Levy / ENIC

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Personally, I don't mind the close eye on the balance sheets, the long term planning and the flat net spend rate.

I'd just rather they didn't consistently embarras the club selling lies to the fans and the media about our ambition, when the truth is, that they are developing Spurs's infrastructure, to become a profitable prospect to the next oil-oligark, arms trader or sheik.

As an overseas fan, I wouldn't mind the least if we just fucked off half the imported buys, ran an extensive academy policy and endured endless yo-yo league positions, even with a relegation once in a while, as long as we were honest about the vision of the club and the football attempted played.

It's the sheer lying, decieving and not least the embarassing media statements once in a while, which makes it all a it cringey.
I sort of agree but... Are you implying the club ISNT ambitious? Like, you think we don't start a season intending to win every game? Do you think we don't build the best squad we possibly can?
(btw im genuinely asking, i apologise if i come across sarcastic)
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why are you arsed about us being known as a "well run club"? oh, and we're not punching above our weight at all currently.
Because Portsmouth, Leeds etc were badly run clubs. Well run clubs achieve things and do well? seems pretty obvious to me... We've got more chance of winning the premier league if we're still in it.
I sort of agree but... Are you implying the club ISNT ambitious? Like, you think we don't start a season intending to win every game? Do you think we don't build the best squad we possibly can?
(btw im genuinely asking, i apologised if i come across sarcastic)

I am implying, that
1) The club isn't as ambitious, as it tells us or the media
2) That winning only is commodity, which interests the club as a minor subject to infrastructure expansion
3) That "we possibly can" is quite debatable, referred to even guessed up net spend league tables.

All of which are heavily and quite blatantly anchored in facts.

As said, I don't mind. I just wish our communication would be more Borussia Dortmund and less Karen Brady.
Because Portsmouth, Leeds etc were badly run clubs. Well run clubs achieve things and do well? seems pretty obvious to me... We've got more chance of winning the premier league if we're still in it.
spending a bit of money on players that will help the club achieve their goals (top 4 or whatever bollocks they want) will not result in us doing a Leeds or Portsmouth. Fuck knows why you'd even think that
spending a bit of money on players that will help the club achieve their goals (top 4 or whatever bollocks they want) will not result in us doing a Leeds or Portsmouth. Fuck knows why you'd even think that
I dont... The opposite to being well run is being badly run.
Anyway, the whole lesson to be learnt from leeds is that they bought players with money they didn't have, to keep them / get them back in the top four. Its not like leeds were mid table, they were doing better than we are now 15 years ago.
spending a bit of money on players that will help the club achieve their goals (top 4 or whatever bollocks they want) will not result in us doing a Leeds or Portsmouth. Fuck knows why you'd even think that
and there is the problem
I am implying, that
1) The club isn't as ambitious, as it tells us or the media
2) That winning only is commodity, which interests the club as a minor subject to infrastructure expansion
3) That "we possibly can" is quite debatable, referred to even guessed up net spend league tables.

1) The club is ambitious in the terms that it looks at the long game, we are saving for a stadium, which as arse have showed now they have it, they have nothing now to save for, more money in the door and they get to spend (in their case waste) money on a 40m player every single year plus buy someone like welbeck at the drop of a hat, which while in save mode we cant but when we have stadium, our ambition of having more spending power will be realised

2) and 3) You are right on this and the communication, its terrible at times and the fans are left very distant sadly, winning is a commodity, but that means to your point Levy will do his best to get us the best team and manager he can to make that happen within reason, as if we dip into the money in reserve / stadium cash we wil never realise that ambition in point 1)
Personally, I don't mind the close eye on the balance sheets, the long term planning and the flat net spend rate.

I'd just rather they didn't consistently embarras the club selling lies to the fans and the media about our ambition, when the truth is, that they are developing Spurs's infrastructure, to become a profitable prospect to the next oil-oligark, arms trader or sheik.

As an overseas fan, I wouldn't mind the least if we just fucked off half the imported buys, ran an extensive academy policy and endured endless yo-yo league positions, even with a relegation once in a while, as long as we were honest about the vision of the club and the football attempted played.

It's the sheer lying, decieving and not least the embarassing media statements once in a while, which makes it all a it cringey.
Can you link those statements that you allude to please. I must have missed all of this lying and deception.
I'm not saying that you are making it up - I just haven't seen any of it. The only stuff I have ever seen from the club has been bland, vague and almost meaningless statements that can be taken any way you feel like.

Are you talking about the morale boosting mission statement kind of stuff, or personal and genuine public statements by the club, its chairman or a spokeperson for either?
I dont... The opposite to being well run is being badly run.
Anyway, the whole lesson to be learnt from leeds is that they bought players with money they didn't have, to keep them / get them back in the top four. Its not like leeds were mid table, they were doing better than we are now 15 years ago.
i'm not sure why we're talking about what happened to Leeds, I'm not arsed about them. We're talking about fans being happy about being a "well run club" whilst never really challenging for anything.
i'm not sure why we're talking about what happened to Leeds, I'm not arsed about them. We're talking about fans being happy about being a "well run club" whilst never really challenging for anything.
Nah that guy said Levy only cares about money, i said to an extent yes he does because thats his job. Id rather have Levy in charge keeping us run well than some joker spending 50 mill we don't have in the hope it works out. You're making it seem like its as simple as us spending 50 mill we don't have and suddenly we're top 4 instead of top 5. You know its not that simple. I couldn't give a shit about the label of being a well run club, but id prefer to be one than not.

We were far worse off before Enic took over, i don't see what the problem is. We're doing better in the league AND financially... please explain to me how thats a bad thing.
Also, we're definitely punching above our weight. Our stadium is like 1000 people bigger than west hams... QPR have a higher wage bill than us...

Nowhere near and even if it was, they're another rich mans plaything who'll go bust, so comparison is a bit off. Aside for 4or 5 players, theyre Championship or last chance saloon signings. Even Dross must be on £50k a week with his new deal
Nowhere near. Aside for 4or 5 players, theyre Championship or last chance saloon signings. Even Dross must be on £50k a week with his new deal
i meant in terms of percentage of turn over i just couldn't be arsed to type anymore. Basically though my point was the clubs that are gonna finish bottom of the league are all doing things people say we should do and it gets them no where.
1) The club is ambitious in the terms that it looks at the long game, we are saving for a stadium, which as arse have showed now they have it, they have nothing now to save for, more money in the door and they get to spend (in their case waste) money on a 40m player every single year plus buy someone like welbeck at the drop of a hat, which while in save mode we cant but when we have stadium, our ambition of having more spending power will be realised

2) and 3) You are right on this and the communication, its terrible at times and the fans are left very distant sadly, winning is a commodity, but that means to your point Levy will do his best to get us the best team and manager he can to make that happen within reason, as if we dip into the money in reserve / stadium cash we wil never realise that ambition in point 1)
How long have we been saving for this Stadium? In the 4 years before Arse moved to their new Stadium they were spending, not saving.
And in the 9 years they have been there 4 of them they have been in profit on transfers.
It also did not take the 16 years since they realised an increased capacity was imperative.
So, what did MP sign up for? To win the title, the CL, a cup, the EL or finishing 5th or 6th each year selling to buy for the next 3 years. Then when , or if, we move into the new stadium in '17 another 5 before he can compete with Liverpool or Arse?
Basically we have spent nothing this transfer window and brought in one less player than we did last year.
Seeing as we have spent nothing getting the defence sorted, could we not have splashed out £25m ( a third ) of our TV rights money and sorted out the lack of goals from midfield/attack?
Surely that will not make us implode like Leeds ffs.
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