Levy / ENIC

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So, how do we get the money? Huge worldwide fan base and debt (man u), 'old money' combined with historical wealth and Russian interest (arse) or oil money (chavs & citeh)? As for bragging rights clearly you've never had to suffer the indignation of for instance.... Getting stuffed 3-0 by a league one Fulham and having to go to work in the city and every cunt that doesn't support spurs takes the piss. Getting beaten away at Grimsby and every cunt at work that doesn't support spurs taking the piss. Just to name but two. I suggest you're a grown up that is very much 'arm chair'. Don't get too much stick indoors on your own.

thats funny. cos i dont lose any sleep over a football score Im not a proper supporter.

do you really think I could shit about what you think?
thats funny. cos i dont lose any sleep over a football score Im not a proper supporter.

do you really think I could shit about what you think?
Interesting that all you want to do is abuse posters rather than address questions. Internet warrior I guess but then this place has a few. What you 'shit about' is your business. (Need to slow down and don't type angry). I merely reiterate that your opinion suggests you have never had direct abuse at work/play so don't understand the 'bragging rights' you were quick to dismiss. Hence, armchair supporter suspicion.
Are we now at the point where being like Chelsea & City is the preferred option?

Has been for years for me, compared to Spurs under ENIC. I'd prefer it far more if we were like Bayern or some of the other German clubs, but that's not an option.

Incidentally, I've always said that if people have a moral argument against various owners, that's their prerogative of course, and no arguments from me there. However, when people say things like they don't want to buy success or it's not a sustainable model, etc, that's when I start arguing the point(s).
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So, how do we get the money? Huge worldwide fan base and debt (man u), 'old money' combined with historical wealth and Russian interest (arse) or oil money (chavs & citeh)? As for bragging rights clearly you've never had to suffer the indignation of for instance.... Getting stuffed 3-0 by a league one Fulham and having to go to work in the city and every cunt that doesn't support spurs takes the piss. Getting beaten away at Grimsby and every cunt at work that doesn't support spurs taking the piss. Just to name but two. I suggest you're a grown up that is very much 'arm chair'. Don't get too much stick indoors on your own.
Hi Dixie, I mistakenly replied to this post as I thought it was addressed to me. (Perils of having so many people on ignore). Have now deleted my post, but if you read it please ignore what I said, not that it was anything bad, just mistaken by me.
Are we now at the point where being like Chelsea & City is the preferred option?

No I don't think so but how do we compete otherwise? Chavs have always been my personal hate but be honest, don't we want to be in that elite? If we were championship or league one I'd be happy to adopt the 1882 stance and enjoy a few beers and a day out but to be reality is we are in the premier league and all has changed. Our closest rivals have left us way behind and so we want more.

I've been going to the lane since early seventies and had some great times as recent as Milan away in CL but to be honest I want more of that. Many people have already said (me included) we don't want to follow the likes of Leeds & Pompy so what is the option? I like the way ENIC/Levy have kept us afloat but just don't think it is now enough to compete at the very top. I understand every single person that doesn't want to 'Sell out' but also understand greaves357 wanting a bit of sustained success. So do I.
If you are happy to wait a period of years, why the sugar daddy?
Well Sammy, we've already waited 13.5 years under ENIC, and they've delivered one Lge Cup, one CL appearance, and two top 4 finishes. We also haven't increased our stadium capacity one iota, and the atmosphere at the Lane is also less than great which is partly due to ENIC's pricing and ticketing policies.

In a shorter time Chelsea have won, well I won't go into it because it's too depressing, but a lot more than us, and many more CL appearances etc. City are on a similar track, over a much shorter time frame.

The New stadium MIGHT be a game changer, but it might not. But during the last ten years we've been very much in Chelsea's and Woolwich's shadow, and that's not good.
Has been for years for me, compared to Spurs under ENIC. I'd prefer it far more if we were like Bayern or some of the other German clubs, but that's not an option.

So, if ENIC continued with the current measured approach with regards spending on the first team, but invested more heavily in academy facilities/programmes etc., would you be satisfied with this approach?

Not to simplify the bundesliga model, but these seem to be the most easily copied aspects.
Just wait until after our next win and this will all blow over
Hi Spartan, it won't blow over for myself and quite a few others, because we haven't been happy for years over our relative decline compared to Chelsea and Woolwich. Now that's not all ENIC's fault of course, but they they've had a long time to make us London's top club, and it hasn't happened. While we remain a poor third, I and some/many others won't be happy, not even if we beat the Mackems, though of course I will be delighted if we do so.
So, if ENIC continued with the current measured approach with regards spending on the first team, but invested more heavily in academy facilities/programmes etc., would you be satisfied with this approach?

Not to simplify the bundesliga model, but these seem to be the most easily copied aspects.
That would be great wouldn't it but would we get time in PL? Bundesliga was in the doldrums for some years before it's resurgence so I guess the question is, would Sky be satisfied with that approach?
That would be great wouldn't it but would we get time in PL? Bundesliga was in the doldrums for some years before it's resurgence so I guess the question is, would Sky be satisfied with that approach?

Our current 'spending within our means' approach is enough to keep us towards the top end of the PL for some time yet I'm sure. Add in the increased revenue from the new stadium as and when and our disposable income would likely increase in line.

Just wonder whether people want to see the club show some investment in whichever direction it chooses, or if it is all about the £400m transfer kitty...?

Not trying to have a pop, genuinely curious.
Our current 'spending within our means' approach is enough to keep us towards the top end of the PL for some time yet I'm sure. Add in the increased revenue from the new stadium as and when and our disposable income would likely increase in line.

Just wonder whether people want to see the club show some investment in whichever direction it chooses, or if it is all about the £400m transfer kitty...?

Not trying to have a pop, genuinely curious.
No mate completely understand. Genuinely a fan of the board (in general terms) over the last few years. I remember only too well the Venables time when we nearly disappeared. I do think that the investment has been sensible but feel that all of the hard work done by ENIC is to build the investment to a maximum. To that end they keep net spend on transfers low. Sensible. However not successful enough on the pitch. Long term if there is a lack of success on the pitch the goodwill of the fans will decline.

A gamble last season didn't pay off transfer wise and so in comes Poch to make the best of the squad. Again no issue but are we any nearer competing for fourth? I think we have slipped further behind and in all honestly will do well to get seventh.
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