Levy / ENIC

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You don't half talk some shit Bastard Beale
gonna back it up with any evidence ? Examples ? Like i did, With the shit you spouted ?

If you're so unhappy with the club, fuck off mate. Simple as. No ones forcing you to be here. Seems to me you don't even really understand how things are run so i don't see how or why you're qualified to criticise.
How long have we been saving for this Stadium?.

No, it's not about saving, it's been getting the planning agreed, you miss the point here.

And in the 9 years they have been there 4 of them they have been in profit on transfers..

Do you not realise, it's not just about the transfers? They have been paying more on player wages during that entire time, you buy a decent player, you realise their value, then you pay a lot more to retain their services, you think Walcott is perhaps on the same contract he joined with? I might hate 'them up the road' but there's no argument they are well run and had the advantage of having Highbury in a desirable part of London. They have been well run,that doesn't equate to Spurs being run terribly.

It also did not take the 16 years since they realised an increased capacity was imperative..

Do you honestly think we just dismissed the notion that we needed an increased capacity? Also, 16 years, where did that come from? in 2000-2001 our average attendance was 34,912, which is under capacity, we got better as a football team and demand rose. Ok, you might say it's still 13 years, but I think you're missing the point that this is a real beast of a job and being honest, the only thing that I think has accelerated it is the fact that there is government money going towards the area redevelopment and planners are more sympathetic to us. For once it's not just us fans that are backing, there is political will to make it happen. Planning and Compulsory Purchasing is a legal minefield, to simplify it, building 56000 capacity stadiums isn't simple.

So, what did MP sign up for? To win the title, the CL, a cup, the EL or finishing 5th or 6th each year selling to buy for the next 3 years. Then when , or if, we move into the new stadium in '17 another 5 before he can compete with Liverpool or Arse?

MP signed up to manage Tottenham Hotspur, it's on his contract and everything! He's been here for 3 Premier League games and he needs to build a squad, tactical plan and a work ethic. If you want a chairman who will be selling to buy and will achieve nothing in the process, try following Newcastle or talk to one of their supporters. He has not come in to this club with his eyes closed, he agreed a budget and a strategy with Levy, neither have planned to fail.

Basically we have spent nothing this transfer window and brought in one less player than we did last year.
Seeing as we have spent nothing getting the defence sorted, could we not have splashed out £25m ( a third ) of our TV rights money and sorted out the lack of goals from midfield/attack?
Surely that will not make us implode like Leeds ffs.

Bringing in 7 players last season didn't work so well now did it? In any case have bought 3 defenders Dier, who looks promising, Ben Davies as left back and Frederico Fazio at Centre Back, how have we not signed defenders??

As for the midfield we bought a new midfielder and lost Holtby and Sandro. I would have liked one more attacker and if Welbeck was a loan option I would have liked that, I don't see us justifying spending £16m on him and £100,000 a week for a player who hasn't yet proven himself.

The TV revenue is the same for every team in the premier league, that gives every other team that same money, logically we don't have an advantage on any of the competition in that respect. We have 3 strikers and while I'd like more, I am not sure there was that much in the way of options.

I should have probably just clicked disagree but thought it's fair to try and make an argument!
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We have had top 4-twice. We have been hovering round CL for several years now. The criteria for Levy is a top 4- finish- how many managers have we had? It's Levy who raises the expectation amongst the fans & then pisses about in the transfer market. Then sacks the manager when we don't get top 4. It's all a bit repetitive. I'm no great fan of welbeck, but it seems Poch is. I was ambivalent about Schneiderlin-again Poch rates him. It's been said somewhere here before, but surely Levy has to give Poch the tools he needs. Maybe Poch is happy with what he has got moving forwards, but we look very light up front if Ade gets injured or goes through one of his uninterested phases. Soldado hasn't set the world alight for us so far & Harry isn't experienced enough yet to lead the line on his own.
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No, it's not about saving, it's been getting the planning agreed, you miss the point here.

Do you not realise, it's not just about the transfers? They have been paying more on player wages during that entire time, you buy a decent player, you realise their value, then you pay a lot more to retain their services, you think Walcott is perhaps on the same contract he joined with? I might hate 'them up the road' but there's no argument they are well run and had the advantage of having Highbury in a desirable part of London. They have been well run,that doesn't equate to Spurs being run terribly.

Do you honestly think we just dismissed the notion that we needed an increased capacity? Also, 16 years, where did that come from? in 2000-2001 our average attendance was 34,912, which is under capacity, we got better as a football team and demand rose. Ok, you might say it's still 13 years, but I think you're missing the point that this is a real beast of a job and being honest, the only thing that I think has accelerated it is the fact that there is government money going towards the area redevelopment and planners are more sympathetic to us. For once it's not just us fans that are backing, there is political will to make it happen. Planning and Compulsory Purchasing is a legal minefield, to simplify it, building 56000 capacity stadiums isn't simple.

MP signed up to manage Tottenham Hotspur, it's on his contract and everything! He's been here for 3 Premier League games and he needs to build a squad, tactical plan and a work ethic. If you want a chairman who will be selling to buy and will achieve nothing in the process, try following Newcastle or talk to one of their supporters. He has not come in to this club with his eyes closed, he agreed a budget and a strategy with Levy, neither have planned to fail.

Bringing in 7 players last season didn't work so well now did it? In any case have bought 3 defenders Dier, who looks promising, Ben Davies as left back and Frederico Fazio at Centre Back, how have we not signed defenders??

As for the midfield we bought a new midfielder and lost Holtby and Sandro. I would have liked one more attacker and if Welbeck was a loan option I would have liked that, I don't see us justifying spending £16m on him and £100,000 a week for 3 weeks for a player who hasn't yet proven himself.

The TV revenue is the same for every team in the premier league, that gives every other team that same money, logically we don't have an advantage on any of the competition in that respect. We have 3 strikers and while I'd like more, I am not sure there was that much in the way of options.

I should have probably just clicked disagree but thought it's fair to try and make an argument!

Thanks mate I didn't have the energy
The TV revenue is the same for every team in the premier league, that gives every other team that same money, logically we don't have an advantage on any of the competition in that respect.
Great post, but a pedantic correction: In comparison to, say, Spain, the tv money is equal. However, clubs do get more of the *domestic* tv money if they are televised more often and if they finish better in the league (these are correlated), which is yet another advantage by which the likes of Man U. have been able to enjoy match day turnover superiority over us. See:

Premier League Broadcasting Payments 2012/13
For many years now, I've wished we had a billionaire benefactor owner like Chelsea and latterly City have.

Twenty years ago there was effectively a 'Big 3', City and Chelsea have turned it into a Big Five by the power of money, it's that simple.

Toon had a go for while, backed by Sir John Hall's money, ditto Blackburn with Jack Walker. But neither had the funds (and in Rovers' case the fanbase) to keep it going.

I hope ENIC sell up, and the new owners are prepared to put serious money into the club. This can be done without contravening FFP, easily in our case by sorting out the new stadium.

However while ENIC are here, then we get their modus operandi. It's been quite successful, but unfortunately for us, it's coincided with the rise of Chelsea and the continued dominance of Woolwich over us. This has left us as a poor third in the London hierarchy, and as our core support tends to mix a lot with other London supporters, this is somewhat painful in the 'Bragging Rights' stakes. When I started supporting Spurs we were the top London club playing-wise, and arguably challenging Woolwich as the biggest London club. It's been a sad decline for me to see.
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gonna back it up with any evidence ? Examples ? Like i did, With the shit you spouted ?

If you're so unhappy with the club, fuck off mate. Simple as. No ones forcing you to be here. Seems to me you don't even really understand how things are run so i don't see how or why you're qualified to criticise.

More to the point, some people just dont want to understand.

You can post links to all the articles showing the entire legal process regarding planning permission, funding for transport links, the heritage site issues, and the compulsory purchases...not to mention the two years we wasted on that shithole in Stratford....and all they do is move onto the next page and say "yeah but wheres the stadium and the striker"

Fucking mind baffling that people really believe the club is lying to them about the NDP.
More to the point, some people just dont want to understand.

You can post links to all the articles showing the entire legal process regarding planning permission, funding for transport links, the heritage site issues, and the compulsory purchases...not to mention the two years we wasted on that shithole in Stratford....and all they do is move onto the next page and say "yeah but wheres the stadium and the striker"

Fucking mind baffling that people really believe the club is lying to them about the NDP.
I work in a field where im exposed to all different people in the uk and i can honestly tell you its taught me one thing.

There are a LOT of thick cunts around.
I hope ENIC sell up, and the new owners are prepared to put serious money into the club. This can be done without contravening FFP, easily in our case by sorting out the new stadium.

But when Enic find a sponser for the new stadium and sell naming rights, the club will be able to make some more money and continue to progress. We've waited this long and now you just want the quick fix?

You think a new owner will pump 400M into the stadium for us, and then give us a 300M transfer kitty for a load of players who will be on 200-250K a week? Basically come in and spend a billion quid instantly??

What was that you just said about FFP....?
Investment firms like to sell with something to whet the appetite, selling with the opportunity of a new stadium with a naming rights sponsor is not a bad time to do that. Because at that point there is an opportunity to elevate the club on and off the pitch sustainably.

It would not surprise me if ENIC sold once the construction began.
But when Enic find a sponser for the new stadium and sell naming rights, the club will be able to make some more money and continue to progress. We've waited this long and now you just want the quick fix?

You think a new owner will pump 400M into the stadium for us, and then give us a 300M transfer kitty for a load of players who will be on 200-250K a week? Basically come in and spend a billion quid instantly??

What was that you just said about FFP....?

Sammy, I get on well with you as a rule, so I'm a bit surprised by this post. Where did I state the figures you just quoted? Neither City nor Chelsea spent a billion quid instantly, but over a period of years. That's the type of money it took to make them the powerhouses they are now.

A new owner would probably need to put in about £200-300m over a year or two, split between the stadium and players while keeping the right side of FFP, to kick start our challenge.

It may well be that is a pipe dream, but City and Chelsea have lived that dream, and that's the main argument I have had with many over the years. They say they don't want to buy success, I'd say I'd love it, chances are though it'll never happen to us.

Year after year many Spurs fans have kidded themselves that we can find a way to break into the cartel (that means to be a regular trophy winning/title challenging club, not a once a decade League Cup and CL appearance), without spending huge amounts of money. To me it can't be done. I've said it for years and for years I've been right on this.
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Sammy, I get on well with you as a rule, so I'm a bit surprised by this post. Where did I state the figures you just quoted? Neither City nor Chelsea spent a billion quid instantly, but over a period of years that's the type of money it took to make them the powerhouses they are now.

A new owner would probably need to put in about £200-300m over a year or two, split between the stadium and players while keeping the right side of FFP, to kick start our challenge.

It may well be that is a pipe dream, but City and Chelsea have lived that dream, and that's the main argument I have had with many over the years. They say they don't want to buy success, I'd say I'd love it, chances are though it'll never happen to us.

Year after year many Spurs fans have kidded themselves that we can find a way to break into the cartel (that means to be a regular trophy winning/title challenging club, not a once a decade League Cup and CL appearance), without spending huge amounts of money. To me it can't be done. I've said it for years and for years I've been right on this.
it's not about how you spend the money. its about how you get it in the first place.
you seem to think the only way to get that money is to be owned by an arms dealing money laundering cunt who thinks women should walk 3 paces behind him. not true, and not sustainable. if the foundations aint right, the whole thing will come tumbling down sooner rather than later.
as for bragging rights, I dont give a shit what anyone else says or thinks about spurs. Im a grown up.
it's not about how you spend the money. its about how you get it in the first place.
you seem to think the only way to get that money is to be owned by an arms dealing money laundering cunt who thinks women should walk 3 paces behind him. not true, and not sustainable. if the foundations aint right, the whole thing will come tumbling down sooner rather than later.
as for bragging rights, I dont give a shit what anyone else says or thinks about spurs. Im a grown up.
So, how do we get the money? Huge worldwide fan base and debt (man u), 'old money' combined with historical wealth and Russian interest (arse) or oil money (chavs & citeh)? As for bragging rights clearly you've never had to suffer the indignation of for instance.... Getting stuffed 3-0 by a league one Fulham and having to go to work in the city and every cunt that doesn't support spurs takes the piss. Getting beaten away at Grimsby and every cunt at work that doesn't support spurs taking the piss. Just to name but two. I suggest you're a grown up that is very much 'arm chair'. Don't get too much stick indoors on your own.
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