Roberto Soldado

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As ever, you post something completely irrelevant when you dont want to answer.

So again.....why are YOU so obsessed with how he left arse and City?

I'm not sure whether you're argumentative, or very slow on the uptake...

Here's the conversation trail...

Evening Sammy,just a thought,if he was a proven PL success,why did the two top four teams not keep him?

Dont know what happened at Woolwich, but they also got rid of RVP, Nasri, Fabregas among others. Were they not proven PL successes?
I remember Utd selling Ronaldo once too.

City spent a few hundred million on two or three more strikers, and I guess Ade didnt want to sit on the bench and ended up falling out with Mancini (like every other player does).

So you got asked a question, you replied with complete reference to Woolwich and City.

You said you didn't know what happened at Woolwich, and you 'guessed' about what happened with City.

Adebayor was told he wasn't wanted at Woolwich, and Mancini spent very little time with him before informing him he was not wanted at City. Adebayor famously suggested Mancini 'google him' to prove he was good enough.

I clarified and provided direct quotes from Adebayor himself.

Then you went on a hissy....

Clear enough? There are buttons to go back a page, you know...
So you got asked a question, you replied with complete reference to Woolwich and City.

You said you didn't know what happened at Woolwich, and you 'guessed' about what happened with City.

I got asked a question by someone else revolving around why City and arse got rid of him if he was PL proven.
I threw a guess at the reasons.

Then you jumped in.

You have been harping on about Ades "behaviour" at other clubs for months now. I dont get your obsession with it. I dont get why you bring Ade up everytime someone criticises Soldado either.
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You are comparing two different things completely ignoring the strength of the leagues. In that case, lets buy Jordan Rhodes. He's broken records in League 1 and 2. All we need is a manager who will make him replicate his League 1 form. He's more goals in the last 5 years in his league than Soldado in la liga. So fooking what? In the real world soldado's goals in la liga or goals vs n00bs of the first round of europa league mean absolutely fookall in the Premier League.
If you read what I said, I quite clearly stated that Soldado would be worth keeping if a manager could get him to replicate his La Liga form. I am not ignoring the strengths of the leagues at all. Dozens of players have come from Spain to be equally, if not more, successful in the Premiership. In fact, quite a few are the stars of the current Premier League (Toure, Silva, Cazorla, Ozil to name but a few). I can't recall too many League 2 record breakers lighting up the Premier League.

Your comparison to League 1 and League 2 is pathetic, and shows what little you really know, or that you're simply not willing to have a sensible discussion about this.

"Goals vs n00bs" - seriously? Get back on Call of Duty kid and stop trying to chat football with that stupid game talk. I take it your gamertag is something like 'XxXxXn00B5H0oT3r648513541177781984XxXxX'.

People who think the epl is alot stronger than la liga are fucking idiots.
No, they're not. Sure, they have a few teams at the top that are stronger, but overall La Liga is weak. The bottom half teams are very average, some are probably lower Championship standard, if not worse.

I don't feel it is necessary to state everyone is a fucking idiot over something that is very difficult to draw a comparison. World Soccer Magazine had an excellent article back in May, comparing the worlds leagues based on several criteria - International players; attendances; how well teams done in their respective continental competitions - you ought to read is before making such bold statements.
bollox it is but keep believing the hype ;)

They are both great leagues and 2 of the best in the world but la liga pisses all over the epl when it comes to technique and ball skill top to bottom. The bottom half of the epl is full of fucking muggs too.

I don't need a fucking magazine to tell me my own opinion that's some fucking pathetic lemming shit. :paulinhofacepalm:
epl teams don't have to deal with Madrid and Barca too except when they come too steal your best players

Madrid treats the EPL like its fucking feeder league lol its pathetic really
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epl teams don't have to deal with Madrid and Barca too except when they come too steal your best players

Madrid treats the EPL like its fucking feeder league lol its pathetic really

to be fair, la liga players are much cheaper and, as such, all the PL does is sell players at a premium to Spanish teams.

PL tends to be much stronger, you never can tell which way a match will go
to be fair, la liga players are much cheaper and, as such, all the PL does is sell players at a premium to Spanish teams.

PL tends to be much stronger, you never can tell which way a match will go

Yeah but head to head in Europe and basically football period Spain have been pissing all over the world for a good 4 or 5 years with technical master classes. The fact you have idiots trying to tell you the EPL is better skill wise is fucking laughable sure it's slap bang full of foreign money but that's not the defining factor IMO.
Yeah but head to head in Europe and basically football period Spain have been pissing all over the world for a good 4 or 5 years with technical master classes. The fact you have idiots trying to tell you the EPL is better skill wise is fucking laughable sure it's slap bang full of foreign money but that's not the defining factor IMO.

I've not heard/read anything about skill, I think the Spanish league is more 'skillfull' as the playing styles of the teams both encourage, and are susceptible to, pace and skill.

It's widely know that the PL is one of the most physical leagues, which often makes skill difficult - more bone crunching tackles and Charlie Adam types.

In reality, there's a lot more to the strength of a league than just skill. For me, it comes down to far more factors; including, but not limited to, competition in that league.
I've not heard/read anything about skill, I think the Spanish league is more 'skillfull' as the playing styles of the teams both encourage, and are susceptible to, pace and skill.

It's widely know that the PL is one of the most physical leagues, which often makes skill difficult - more bone crunching tackles and Charlie Adam types.

In reality, there's a lot more to the strength of a league than just skill. For me, it comes down to far more factors; including, but not limited to, competition in that league.

Yeah because the EPL isn't dominated by a couple of teams consistently lol

Not the fucking league is more competative cliche ffs lmfao

Is there more to a league than being physical too?

I'd rather watch football that's about skill and technique than football that's about late tackles and being a cunt seeing as how we are stereotyping and all.
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Yeah because the EPL isn't dominated by a couple of teams consistently lol

Not the fucking league is more competative cliche ffs lmfao

There have been less title winners in Spain (9) than even the Scottish League (11) up to Feb 2012

The English league has had more variety of title winners than both them put together (23)

Not sure how this thread has gone down this topic, though.

Edit: interesting point of view here
In champions league and Europa how many times head to head over the last few seasons have premier league teams come out on top?
No one is saying the top La Liga isnt the best in the whole of europe. Theres Real, Barca and Athletico and then a whole pile of crap. Even Swansea beat Valencia just this last season ,3-1 aggregate.
If the PL is weaker than La Liga, then Soldado must be even shitter than I thought
So true. If that idiot cant score against the weak weak teams of the PL, he must be one of the shittest players in the world. But theres always a few stupid cunts on forums who think its the remaining 10 players and the managers fault that this prick cant score.
I think some of the appeal of the EPL also includes the mistakes. You get some cracking balls ups of monumental proportions & of course when it's not Spurs it's generally hilarious
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