Rodrigo Bentancur

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On a tangential note: as the academy system has taken hold in US player development, I've noticed that the youngest professional players seem to be generally more ignorant than past generations who went through the university system. There have been some cases of these guys liking some bonkers shit on social media-- conspiracy stuff, MAGA, etc.

We are producing better players, but perhaps at a cost to their overall development as educated young people.

Jimmy Fallon Yes GIF by The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon
So the club doesn’t have zero tolerance for racism it seems? They should update this page to say “we will tolerate racism/discrimination if you are a multi million pound asset” upon any other caveats that apparently make it acceptable.
What is "zero tolerance"? Death penalty? Start a war like we have in Gaza?

To not show racism starts and ends with showing tolerance for others who are different from you. Bentancur has owned his words and apologised, which has been accepted with grace and affection by the person closest to him who fits within the demographic who would have been offended. As an Asian icon and our Captain, Son has shown his leadership and given an example of what tolerance looks like.

Racism takes many forms, the vast majority of it is out of ignorance, where people have failed to notice the meaning of their words and the effect it has. This is usually because exposure to other race and religions are limited and where stereotypes are allowed to build up and go unchecked. The difference between 1970's England and 2020's England couldn't be any more different and act as a prime example of this being played out (I'm in my mud 50's and watched mainstream TV with what was quite simply the foulest racist language broadcast in sitcoms to tens of millions of people on a daily basis). Asians too are having to also look inward to its use of the term gwailou, an out-and-out racial slur if ever there was one but in my experience never once was it used maliciously .

It's good that Bentancur has acknowledged his words, he will no doubt be reflecting further. We all have our prejudice, this isn't our fault, it's the environment and culture we were brought up in. Our environment and culture are in constant flux however, what it was like 50 years ago is very different to what it is now, and this will be true for every culture on earth, it means we have to constantly reflect on our environment, which always starts in owning your words and if they offend understand how and why and then if you don't wish to offend then don't use them again.

But there are those among us who have no tolerance, who want to offend and probably want to even harm. let's focus our attention on these cunts and allow others to make and own their mistakes.
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What is "zero tolerance"? Death penalty? Start a war like we have in Gaza?

To not show racism starts and ends with showing tolerance for others who are different from you. Bentancur has owned his words and apologised, which has been accepted with grace and affection by the person closest to him who fits within the demographic who would have been offended. As an Asian icon and our Captain, Son has shown his leadership and given an example of what tolerance looks like.

Racism takes many forms, the vast majority of it is out of ignorance, where people have failed to notice the meaning of their words and the effect it has. This is usually because exposure to other race and religions are limited and where stereotypes are allowed to build up and go unchecked. The difference between 1970's England and 2020's England couldn't be any more different and act as a prime example of this being played out (I'm in my mud 50's and watched mainstream TV with what was quite simply the followest racist language broadcast in sitcoms to tens of millions of people on a daily basis). Asians too are having to also look inward to its use of the term gwailou, an out-and-out racial slur if ever there was one but in my experience never once was it used maliciously .

It's good that Bentancur has acknowledged his words, he will no doubt be reflecting further. We all have our predacious, this isn't our fault, it's the environment and culture we were brought up in. Our environment and culture are in constant flux however, what it was like 50 years ago is very different to what it is now, and this will be true for every culture on earth, it means we have to constantly reflect on our environment, which always starts in owning your words and if they offend understand how and why and then if you don't wish to offend then don't use them again.

But there are those among us who have no tolerance, who want to offend and probably want to even harm. let's focus our attention on these cunts and allow others to make and own their mistakes.
You're being far too sensible. There are idiots everywhere screaming "racism is racism" and ignoring intent and context. Probably so they can appear righteous and "beat the fash" rather than any genuine care about the subject.
On a tangential note: as the academy system has taken hold in US player development, I've noticed that the youngest professional players seem to be generally more ignorant than past generations who went through the university system. There have been some cases of these guys liking some bonkers shit on social media-- conspiracy stuff, MAGA, etc.

We are producing better players, but perhaps at a cost to their overall development as educated young people.
It's ok for people not to share your political beliefs, you know that?
I have fraternal twin boys. We are from Latin America, but live in the U.S. To everyone that is Hispanic, they have always looked very different because they are! When they were little, many Caucasian Americans asked me how I could tell them apart.

I never got offended by that question. I think it was genuinely tough for them to tell my twin boys apart.
They're twins. Twins typically do look very alike, if not identical. It's a perfectly normal question to ask a parent of twins how they tell them apart.
I often wondered how I would cope if I had twins. I can't remember who most people are, much less a pair of identical twins.
I went to school with twins for 11 years and only really learned the difference in about year 8
You're being far too sensible. There are idiots everywhere screaming "racism is racism" and ignoring intent and context. Probably so they can appear righteous and "beat the fash" rather than any genuine care about the subject.
It’s fine to call his words racist, they were, but there are contexts. Within his environment (certainly away from his mate Son) he felt at ease saying what he did and could do so as a joke. None of that excuses it, the words are wrong and racist which is why he has owned them and apologized.

Most people have done this if they are honest.

The issue is wanting them to be publicly stoned. Let’s reserve this action for those that are genuinely racist and want to cause offense and worse to others.
You're being far too sensible. There are idiots everywhere screaming "racism is racism" and ignoring intent and context. Probably so they can appear righteous and "beat the fash" rather than any genuine care about the subject.
You can make this argument almost anywhere though.

When John Terry called Antoine Ferdinand a black cunt, he would have argued that Ferdinand was indeed black and a cunt. He could argue that if you look at the context, he wasn't calling him a cunt because he's black. In the heat of an argument people will often call people names like fat cunt, ginger cunt, ugly cunt and nothing much is thought of other than the offence of cunt.

Black isn't a racist word. If he said the N word or the P word to an indian etc, then it would have been undeniably racist.

I'm not defending John Terry here. I'm just using it as an example of how fickle fans are. He was unanimously condemned by everyone other than Chelsea fans and Capello at the time. And at the moment, that's what is happening with Bentancur.

He has dropped a bollock here and I don't agree with it being excused.
That said, you can not excuse someone without condemning them either. You just say "you fucked up" and you move on from it.
You can make this argument almost anywhere though.

When John Terry called Antoine Ferdinand a black cunt, he would have argued that Ferdinand was indeed black and a cunt. He could argue that if you look at the context, he wasn't calling him a cunt because he's black. In the heat of an argument people will often call people names like fat cunt, ginger cunt, ugly cunt and nothing much is thought of other than the offence of cunt.

Black isn't a racist word. If he said the N word or the P word to an indian etc, then it would have been undeniably racist.

I'm not defending John Terry here. I'm just using it as an example of how fickle fans are. He was unanimously condemned by everyone other than Chelsea fans and Capello at the time. And at the moment, that's what is happening with Bentancur.

He has dropped a bollock here and I don't agree with it being excused.
That said, you can not excuse someone without condemning them either. You just say "you fucked up" and you move on from it.
I agree with most of this. John Terry at the time was probably trying to intimidate and bully someone and used their skin colour as a way in - when someone is in that space they will use anything in the moment. He should rightly be called out for that. But if race wasn't taboo he would have used something to have an edge. Apology/fine move on.

Does John Terry go home and study genetic superiority and eugenics/appartied 'solutions'? Does he think all non white people to leave the country over the next few decades? Very unlikely if you look at his wedding photos and friend list.

If people don't see this distinction (and are unable to meter out different responses) then they are probably making the situation worse.
It’s fine to call his words racist, they were, but there are contexts. Within his environment (certainly away from his mate Son) he felt at ease saying what he did and could do so as a joke. None of that excuses it, the words are wrong and racist which is why he has owned them and apologized.

Most people have done this if they are honest.

The issue is wanting them to be publicly stoned. Let’s reserve this action for those that are genuinely racist and want to cause offense and worse to others.

The public stoning achieves nothing for the fight against racism either. It just satisfies a mob mentality blood lust.

People like to feel confirmation they are in the right side morally more than they like actually thinking rationally about tackling the problem
Interesting thread apart from the we starting a war in Gaza bit I am sorting of in the middle here but on balance Bentancur should be shipped out after this I was listening to an report saying Son may forgive but lots of Asian Spurs fans are really upset. Over to you Daniel
I would struggle to tell many Koreans apart, they might say the same about westerners. Not sure this is necessarily racist? Maybe something about pattern recognition and the human brain.
I would struggle to tell many Koreans apart, they might say the same about westerners. Not sure this is necessarily racist? Maybe something about pattern recognition and the human brain.
It may not be explicitly racist, but it also didn't ever need to be said. It's the sort of joke my (not funny) 78 year old dad makes.
You can make this argument almost anywhere though.

When John Terry called Antoine Ferdinand a black cunt, he would have argued that Ferdinand was indeed black and a cunt. He could argue that if you look at the context, he wasn't calling him a cunt because he's black. In the heat of an argument people will often call people names like fat cunt, ginger cunt, ugly cunt and nothing much is thought of other than the offence of cunt.

Black isn't a racist word. If he said the N word or the P word to an indian etc, then it would have been undeniably racist.

I'm not defending John Terry here. I'm just using it as an example of how fickle fans are. He was unanimously condemned by everyone other than Chelsea fans and Capello at the time. And at the moment, that's what is happening with Bentancur.

He has dropped a bollock here and I don't agree with it being excused.
That said, you can not excuse someone without condemning them either. You just say "you fucked up" and you move on from it.
Would Terry call someone a white cunt ?
Would Terry call someone a white cunt ?
Hmmm, might call a ginger a pale cunt, does that count?

Like I said, I don't condone what he said. Just that if people try to excuse it hard enough they will, and that invariably people are fickle who they excuse and who they condemn. I was just giving an example of how some one could excuse JT at the time.

I don't feel at all comfortable, that many of our fans would have condemned JT but are actively trying to excuse Bentancur. IMO, neither were right to say what they did, regardless of the intent.
This entire thing seems to me to just be Bentancur trying to be funny. He made a poor decision to make a joke based on stereotype like "all back guys have giant cocks," all Asians are good at maths," "women can't drive," or "the French are arrogant and smelly*"

Poor attempt at humor, but he doesn't strike me as a racist guy.

We all know that at least the French stereotype is true, right?
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