Summer 2017 transfer window or, waiting for Godot

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To avoid domino effect: Pay the wages in par with competitors, there is no other option. There is no expanding business on earth who does not borrow or have debts (unless owned by oligarchs or sheikhs).
Otherwise back to top 6 ...
Can't wait for Sunday. Time to show everyone that, despite the c0cks everywhere trying to put a spanner in the works, we're still the best team in the country right now.

Big win Sun, end the 'Wembley hoodoo' next week against Chelski, then I'll feel a lot better.

Time to remind people like Rose how class we are...
Can't wait for Sunday. Time to show everyone that, despite the c0cks everywhere trying to put a spanner in the works, we're still the best team in the country right now.

Big win Sun, end the 'Wembley hoodoo' next week against Chelski, then I'll feel a lot better.

Time to remind people like Rose how class we are...

Couldn't agree more. Tired of the drama, back to the f'n football!
You can think we are small time.
You are the exact type of fan that has pissed and shit all over the sport.....the entitled know all.

You are Gooner are "Top 4s Our Everything" cams......DT and Wenger Out banners on are the guy that's goes out and stands behind a Sky reporter on deadline day "dabbing" are the Prawn Sarnie......the iPhone celebration.......the sanitized franchised polished turd that thinks following a successful team is a reflction of status......who doesn't understand why the likes of Luton and Preston still have a fanbase.

Enjoy the season John

Do us all a favour and go support Man City (if you don't already). .

You really are full of yourself - aren't you?
If you want to post views that will get you lots of "likes" then I suggest you recreate all of your opinions on "arsemania"

Why don't you just have a day off you fucking boring dickhead.

Signing on at the job centre, doing a 30 minute job search on google, and then spending the rest of your day wanking off to pictures of Arsene Wenger, hardly counts as working for living dear boy.
I think it's fair to say, unfortunately, John Thomas has been proved right once more guys.. When push comes to shove, our policy of selling players for the highest price, and buying in the basement, is coming back to haunt us.
Keep em coming boys
I think it's fair to say, unfortunately, John Thomas has been proved right once more guys.. When push comes to shove, our policy of selling players for the highest price, and buying in the basement, is coming back to haunt us.
Keep em coming boys

You are right but Spurs fans on here bury their head in the sand and pretend everything is all Rosy ( no pun intended ) ... if Levy waits until deadline day to scramble around trying desperately to sign players whilst selling Rose, it will be up there among the worse transfer windows ever. I have never been so underwhelmed by a Spurs season
For years and it's all falling apart slowly by the looks of it.
I want us to dig our heels in and make him play. Don't trust Levy with £80m at all right now - he's done fuck all with £70m so far!

Wouldn't disagree but I wouldn't take a loss of millions just to prove a point. Would prefer selling to not negatively impact us – not having a replacement, or selling to a competitor. Truth is most of the big money is coming from the Premiership so there has to be a balance. This isn't loose change we're talking about. It's Millions, just because metal figures are thrown around it doesn't mean 1M isn't still a huge amount of money.

Running a business I know that invoice totals give a false impression of a businesses health. Wait until those costs come piling in and then see what is left. Running a club is a massive expense.

Sorry not meaning to preach but what actual profit is left in the business at the end of the Y/E?
I think it's fair to say, unfortunately, John Thomas has been proved right once more guys.. When push comes to shove, our policy of selling players for the highest price, and buying in the basement, is coming back to haunt us.
Keep em coming boys

John we already know your opinion on everything Spurs without you having to go to the trouble of telling us so save yourself the trouble pal.
Stop panicking. Rose may stay or may go. Pochettino is the one we need to keep hold of.

I would invite you to look at his Southampton team and all the highly coveted players there. Where are they now? Not one is a better player doing better than under Pochettino. His tactics are not about individuals they are about a fluid but structured shape hard work and pressing like animals.

The tactics always make the players shine IF they're willing to put the hard work in.

Schneiderlin, Lovren, Clyne, Shaw, Rodriguez, Davis...nowhere near the level they were under Poch. Nowhere near.

We may well sell players but it will be down to Poch. If he wants rid of Rose I think we would bring someone else in who will be just as God after a season or two providing they have the right attributes and mentality.

We have a world class team but pay 7th-8th place wages and transfer fees. The fact that we find it hard to do transfers right now is no surprise as the type of player that Poch needs in certain positions narrows our search down then there is the fact that to improve our squad we are looking at players where we are competing with clubs with bigger budgets, more prestige and who are basically sometimes willing to engage in corrupt practices like paying unofficial agents (not mentioning any names) to get deals done which we are either not willing or able to do.

So we are looking for opportunism such as a player like Barkley who has stagnated but has a lot of potential and due to his contract situation is within our budget. Or young players like Alli we nab before others are willing to take a punt on.

The fact that we are challenging for the title despite our budget shows how successful we have been yet I see fans describe us as a shambles when nothing could be further from the truth. We are victims of our own success in that fans expect now that we will compete with the top clubs purely because we have finished alongside them or above them in the table. The reality is we have no right to be there. We are not an elite club and are not even half way to being one although we are moving in the right direction.

The stadium will make a big difference. Not straight away but like Woolwich in a few years the revenue will mean our budget increases significantly.

What I think every Spurs fan needs to do is look at us from the outside. Look at how we thought about Leicester fans when they won the title and started acting like they were an entitled elite club questioning why any of their players would want to leave and talking about who they should sign and how they needed to kick on and do well in the CL. The reality was they had a fluke season and their objective for the next season was still to avoid the drop as their club budget never changed from that so anything above was a bonus.

We looked at their fans and thought they were deluded and when some turned on Ranieri and their board the next season we couldn't understand it. They should have been pinching themselves everyday we thought and still should be happy with 15th but their expectations had been unrealistically raised by just one season of success so it appeared so disappointing to them the next season when their performances tailed off. They thought it must be because the club was being badly run when it wasn't it was that they were always going to drop back to a more realistic level of performance.

We will too. We will have a season where we drop back from 2nd or even top 4 as we should not even be competing there.

But we have chosen our coach very well and have bought very well and developed a world class academy that has produced a world class striker and some promising players coming behind him.

We are competing well beyond our realistic level due to our club being so we'll run.

I've seen some say we haven't been showing enough ambition but at the same time saying we shouldn't be going after Josh King....well what do you want?

We either go after players comfortably attainable for clubs with our budget like King or Andre Gray and get them in early or we try for the likes of a Keira Balde hoping that a long courting and convincing process will make him give us a go over other clubs like Juventus but with the knowledge that it's always a long shot they are always aware they might be able to get something better so it's always a long drawn out process with stalling tactics and prolonged negotiations as to compete with their budgets we have to structure deals differently and offer performance related bonuses to top up lower fees and wages. These ambitious transfers are unlikely to be successful but if you want us to try we get a window like this one.

No doubt if we lose out on our ambitious targets you'll see deals quickly rapped up for back up options we could have had months ago like King, like maybe Mawson or whatnot similarly to when we lost out on Mussachio and quickly signed Fazio late on as well as when we lost out on Schneiderlin so went quickly for Stambouli.

It's just the reality of our situation and instead of declaring the club a shambles when it's not, instead of giving yourselves a heart attack with all the stress, why don't you try sitting back and enjoy what we have. Marvel at our team and our tactics and the football we currently play. Accept that as we develop players some will want more money and will go for large fees that we may either replace with a youth player and still give the big clubs a run for their money or we will take our time over who to buy.

I'm surprised that after a few Paulinho's, Soldado's and Sissoko's and people are still posting stuff on these forums like "just buy anyone, anyone is better than nobody, we need numbers in now I don't care this is a shambles...aaaaaargh I hate my club even though it's the best period in the club's history since the 60s which was 4 decades before I was born I still think we are terrible aaaargh *shoots self*"
You bring it on yourself. This summer has been one humiliation after another for you.

Defending Danny Rose? Pleb.
What are you talking about spiv?
Wouldn't disagree but I wouldn't take a loss of millions just to prove a point. Would prefer selling to not negatively impact us – not having a replacement, or selling to a competitor. Truth is most of the big money is coming from the Premiership so there has to be a balance. This isn't loose change we're talking about. It's Millions, just because metal figures are thrown around it doesn't mean 1M isn't still a huge amount of money.

Running a business I know that invoice totals give a false impression of a businesses health. Wait until those costs come piling in and then see what is left. Running a club is a massive expense.

Sorry not meaning to preach but what actual profit is left in the business at the end of the Y/E?
All of those points are fair - but I couldn't abide seeing him go to a league rival (and that's the only destination it would be).

Fucking hell, makes me envious of Liverpool only having to suffer Barcelona's advances.
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