Summer 2020 Transfer Thread

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So you now have Arcspace peddling the same nonsense - when that happens you know you've lost the argument. You appear clueless about what Levy does and doesn't do ... or on how Spurs operate ... stop digging the hole.

Levy does not handle scouting, reviewing, analysing potential transfers - to believe that for one second just makes you look stupid.

Now you want to tell me how the Liverpool system works when it took you three pages and a dozen posts to even get the names of the senior management correct? are you being serious?

You have simply no idea - all your posts are opinionated drivel - you didn't know an hour ago who Gordon was yet you now say "Gordon doesn't feel the need to be the "man" when it comes to transfers, he doesn't have to pretend he has an eye for talent and he doesn't have to step in to screw up deals to fuel his ego" did you just give him a call and confirm that? or did you just make it up?

Liverpool and Spurs are run in a very similar fashion with a very similar senior management structure based around personnel from a predominantly financial non sporting background, beneath that senior management both employ a committee approach where they both employ experts with huge experience and with sporting backgrounds. No question the Liverpool set-up has performed better in delivering on the pitch, but in the transfer market both clubs have sold high and bought low, in the last five years Liverpool net 92m, Spurs net 94m .... you may not understand how alike they are, so go ahead list all the differences in the companies operating procedures, let's see if you or your sidekick can put some facts behind your bullshit.

I love this post! 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾
Wow, they picked that mofo up at "£13.5/14m" didnt they? Alright then! Putting aside the "do you believe everything you read" aspect do you think it is fair to say Liverpool was "outbid" for a player at the 15M pound level when their reported bid was 3M less? And if so, if Pool really, really, really, really, really, really, wanted this player do you think they would have found the 3M? So now you know how large a mischaracterization it was to use the term "outbid". You're "outbid. It happens" when said player is your main target and not when you take an opportunistic punt on a player.
Hey. No point arguing with someone who thought klopp was desperate for the player but the club wouldn't go up to 15m for him. Unless of course he doesn't think that & has mischaracterized the term outbid. Either way, victory is yours :adesalute:
I remember a similar argument 2 and 3 years ago 'how do we improve our team' and look where that led us. You can always improve. Of your list Lloris and Toby arent the standard they were, there should be some succession planning there. Moura is just average, he doesnt offer nearly enough goals or assists for an attacking player and Dele has had injuries the last 2 years and has dropped a level, he may get it back he may not.

The argument presented wasn't "can't" but "at what price would it take to upgrade the first XI".... At which point we started to buy players like Sanchez, Foyth, Jansen & Lucas to provide better quality depth and/or usher in a younger generation.
The argument presented wasn't "can't" but "at what price would it take to upgrade the first XI".... At which point we started to buy players like Sanchez, Foyth, Jansen & Lucas to provide better quality depth and/or usher in a younger generation.
Well those signings bar possibly Sanchez havent worked. It happens. So if thats the case you have to try again. Plenty of decent deals to be had, to our credit Doherty is one. Van De Beek, Jamal Lewis are two other recent excellent value signings.
Well those signings bar possibly Sanchez havent worked.

Perhaps not (Lucas has been a perfectly successful depth signing too however... Maybe with better player integration the others may have worked out better too).... Doesn't change the validity of my contradiction of your original post tho.

It happens. So if thats the case you have to try again. Plenty of decent deals to be had, to our credit Doherty is one. Van De Beek, Jamal Lewis are two other recent excellent value signings.

Presumably PEH is seen to be another one.

At 40m it remains to be seen if VDB is "excellent value".... Many think he is just Dele mark II (that's my limited impression too FWIW)... Aside from the Winks/PEH/Sissoko roll, we already have GLC, Ndombele & Dele to play a more attacking CM role... Paying 40m to bulk up the bench in an area we may well only play 1 at any one time would be a waste for us currently.

I'm expecting 2 more acquisitions before the window closes.

Any accusations that we aren't prepared to improve the squad any further are currently premature at best.
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It's not unthinkable that he was 5 years ago over 100 yards.

It is unthinkable as that post at no point divulges the distance over which Dier achieved his top speed.

I liken it to max BHP or torque on cars. I have 2 cars, one makes a max 340bhp at 7.2k rpm but not a lot until well after 5k
The other makes 260bhp from tickover to 4.5k

Which one is faster?
Perhaps not (Lucas has been a perfectly successful depth signing too however).... Doesn't change the validity of my contradiction of your original post tho.

Presumably PEH is seen to be another one.

At 40m it remains to be seen if VDB is "excellent value".... Many think he is just Dele mark II (that's my limited impression too FWIW)... Aside from the Winks/PEH/Sissoko roll, we already have GLC, Ndombele & Dele to play a more attacking CM role... Paying 40m to bulk up the bench in an area we may well only play 1 at any one time would be a waste for us currently.

I'm expecting 2 more acquisitions before the window closes.

Any accusations that we aren't prepared to improve the squad any further are currently premature at best.
VDB was £34m i believe. I dont think he would have been squad filler and it might have given Alli a kick up the arse that all players need. We havent really replaced Eriksen. Lo Celso will be better in central midfield imo. I get that we have depth but think we lack quality and i'm happy to be opportunistic in certain positions but we need a striker, we have needed a striker for over a year and the season starts on Sunday. We then have a ton of fixtures before the window shuts. There are no excuses on that. None.
Lets be real here, how much would an upgrade on each of the following players cost:
Ooooo, I'll play...

- Kane ====> 21 - 32M Euro
- Son ====> 25-30M Euro, wouldn't want replaced but he did just turn 28
- Dele ===> The time it took to pick someone, any fucking random person, from the COVID reduced crowd
- Moura ===> 0M Euro because we did it already with SB
- Le Celso ===> 35-50M Euro
- Toby ===> 20-30M Euro
- Lloris ==> 25M Euro

*all transfermarkt valuations.

So basically 150M Euro would do it. Gee, I wonder where we could scrounge up 150M Euro. I'll put my mind to it but it is going to be very difficult to figure how to get to that number. I guess we could sell Dele considering he's gonna be worth 200M coming up soon according to harry7 so surely he's worth half that now. I guess we could get rid of the dead wood but that's only gonna get us like 30M. I guess we'd have to find someone else to sell, someone ripe and primed for a move to win some trophies and not deal with a 2 year belated rebuild. Can't imagine who that would be.
VDB was £34m i believe.

I guess report vary... Happy to take your pricetag on face value though.... My point essentially remains the same... Numbers-wise we didn't need VDB (see following)....

I dont think he would have been squad filler and it might have given Alli a kick up the arse that all players need. We havent really replaced Eriksen. Lo Celso will be better in central midfield imo.

In all likelyhood Jose will play 2 'workers' at CM and a CAM (in loose terms) ergo, we have GLC, Ndombele & Dele all vying for the same position.

In similarly loose terms, these replacement purchases were made:

Dembele > Ndombele
Eriksen > GLC
PEH > Wanyama

I get that we have depth but think we lack quality and i'm happy to be opportunistic in certain positions but we need a striker, we have needed a striker for over a year and the season starts on Sunday. We then have a ton of fixtures before the window shuts. There are no excuses on that. None.

We've already signed 3 players; it's not like we've been sat on our arse doing nothing all summer.

With all due respect, you're meandering around from one grumble to the next...... Your prerogative I guess, but my original post contradicted a specific claim you made. It still stands... I'll leave the rest be....
I guess report vary... Happy to take your pricetag on face value though.... My point essentially remains the same... Numbers-wise we didn't need VDB (see following)....

In all likelyhood Jose will play 2 'workers' at CM and a CAM (in loose terms) ergo, we have GLC, Ndombele & Dele all vying for the same position.

In similarly loose terms, the replacement purchases were made:

Dembele > Ndombele
Eriksen > GLC
PEH > Wanyama

We've already signed 3 players; it's not like we've been sat on our arse doing nothing all summer.

With all due respect, you're meandering around from one grumble to the next...... Your prerogative I guess, but my original post contradicted a specific claim you made. It still stands... I'll leave the rest be....
My original point was you dont stop buying because you have some good players and that is common sense followed by even the most successful clubs. Personally i feel we only have 2 that are irreplaceable, hopefully Lo Celso will join them. There is huge scope for improvement.
Oh well that's settled then I have been watching a different player as Dier is obviously faster than Son....This is how Trump got elected.
Right! That data is from like Dier's second season yet folks always want to bring it up. Yes, he was fast but it took him an age to get up to speed like a big fucking diesel truck. Unfortunately, his turning circle and lateral movement remind us of that same diesel truck.
I remember a similar argument 2 and 3 years ago 'how do we improve our team' and look where that led us. You can always improve. Of your list Lloris and Toby arent the standard they were, there should be some succession planning there. Moura is just average, he doesnt offer nearly enough goals or assists for an attacking player and Dele has had injuries the last 2 years and has dropped a level, he may get it back he may not.
Yup! That argument was foolish then but it's worse to be trotting that out now because that means said trotter was incapable of learning the lessons on offer...and that's worse than foolish.
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