Summer 2020 Transfer Thread

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And that is Levy's fault.

Yes it is, and I have repeatedly criticised Levy for that:

I think Levy has made some mistakes along the way for sure. I do not agree with all of his decisions or policies. And I think the stadium really distracted him and the last 3/4 years he made some of his biggest mistakes. He never should have ditched the DOF, especially while the stadium build was focusing all his attention. He should have been building the recruitment structure/dept not dismantling it

Levy should never have let Poch talk him out of a DOF. He should also have been looking at best practice models and keeping us as a club up with the best systems for recruitment, recruitment analytics, scouting networks etc - Especially while he knew he was going to be tied up developing the stadium.

I've been a big defender of much of the way Levy has run the club, but he took his eye off the ball during the whole stadium build. Badly.

I think we've got ourselves into a catatonic state and Levy needs to wake the fuck up and make some very big decisions about the direction we take now. He's modernised the facilities he now needs to modernise the clubs infrastructure and operational structure. DOF needed and the introduction of a much better recruitment and analytics department.

I am not blaming Poch for wanting to take more control, ultimately Levy gave in, at a crucial time when he was going to be massively distracted with the stadium, and now he's now got his uber stadium with a team in decline that isn't going to be delivering CL revenues.

We need to get our fucking shit together. We need a DOF desperately, Levy needs to do his job, which he generally does extremely well, of running the business, but we need someone to oversee the implementation of a core philosophy and see that everything we do is in line with that philosophy. It needs to be - much like the likes of Dortmund and RBL - progressive, aggressive - something fans/punters in the stadium and globally can identify and buy into, even when it's not always successful, we need to be able to see "a plan" have an identity that drives us forward.

How much money you spend is less important than how cleverly you spend it and the coaching it gets. Look at RBL, their squad probably cost about a tenth of ours, but they've outplayed us. Ajax did the same last year with another cheaply assembled squad.

We've got ourselves in this mess not just because of Pochettino's failings, but Levy's too. Up to the point where he gave Pochettino the job as head coach, Levy had largely done things really well, bar the odd blip, then he took his eye off the ball to build the stadium - a time when more than ever he should have had departmental structures in place that he could have been delegating responsibilities to - only he hadn't, he'd dismantled it, acquiesced to Poch's desire to be the next SAF, and failed to replace Paul Mitchell's analytics department too.

Levy is responsible for overseeing the strategy and putting in place a structure, including recruitment team (DOF, and/or head of recruitment, recruitment analysts, scouting network etc) so ultimately the buck stops with him,

Levy has fucked some things up in recent years in terms of the structure and processes of our transfer strategy,

It's fair to criticise some of the decisions levy has made within that structure, the way that money has been spent, on who etc, his strategy for the recruitment structure, his management of contracts, the personnel he's hired and fired etc.

Even his business acumen hasn't escaped my criticism recently:

I've generally given Levy plenty of credit for the way he's built the club during his tenure, whilst being critical of some things in the last couple of years, but one thing that I think he's largely escaped criticism for, which is - or should be - his forte, is failing to bring in the stadium sponsorship. This is what he does best.

We built one of the best football stadiums in Europe, one of the best "venues" - with regular CL football, a likeable manager and Sir Harold of Kane - England's goal hero, leading the team, we should have been a very marketable proposition, and that should have been capitalised. Levy failed to do this. A deal that could have been very lucrative and extremely useful now; hard to imagine we are going to do a better deal any time in the foreseeable future.

And that is why your constant double-dealing on this issue is so repulsive.

No double dealing. I've criticised Levy for what I think is his remit, overseeing the structure, philosophy, appointment (or lack of) the right personnel and processes.

What I'm not ranting about is us spending within our sustainable model, putting a manager in charge of recruitment, not always getting our first choice targets etc.

You keep crying out in the middle of the ocean for a DoF. But there is no sign of one on the horizon. Pochettino is long gone-and that was your previous excuse for our not having one-so where is the DoF? And why don't train your guns on Levy for this?

Err....I have....see above.

Instead we keep getting your empty talk about how Levy is at fault for lots of things (without taking much care to actually go into detail on the nature of these things), but our mode of recruitment is not one of them (even though it drives you around the twist).

Again, bullshit, see above.

Since Poch (and his apparently stinky finger) slinked out of the building, we have bought two players. And you rate neither of them. And I am raging over this Hojbjerg jiggery-pokery.

Mourinho went on the record as being unhappy at our failure to sign a striker in the January winger. A striker. You can Google this. It's all there on the Interweb. Wanted a striker, felt we were up shit creek with Kane being out. And what did he get? He got a winger. A winger whom you don't rate. And Poch was gone, remember, so you can't stick it on him.

Last week, we went and signed a player neither you nor I can stand. And whose minutes you would have gladly given to Skipp, I believe. The entire deal is expected to cost us £45m (if he stays here for the length of his contract). And remember-Pochettino was sent on gardening leave last November. So, it couldn't have been his doing.

So, here we are. Pochettino is gone. Player recruitment continues to be depressing and infuriating. Who is responsible? Levy. So, let us call a spade a spade. None of your shameless hypocrisy, please. Many people on this site look to your for guidance, you know.

You even acknowledge the many times I've criticised and complained about all of the above. And again I refer you to the above. How many fucking which ways can I criticise and state Levy is to blame for the process we are currently operating.

And on the topic of Liverpool's hunt for a left-back, let's get this straight-and let's make sure the entire forum knows this-you rate Tsimikas very, very highly. Liverpool wanted a left back. They got a left back. And a damn good one. One who would improve us no end. They didn't go looking for a left-back, and arrive home from Lidl with a winger.

And as a matter of fact, I also like Lewis very much indeed. So, what I would say is that both of the left-backs Liverpool were linked with are very tasty. I think they were linked with Reguilon, too-another player you have expressed an interest in. Do you see any dud options on that list? I don't. And that is the point, isn't it? Not one donkey on it.

Not so hot on Reguilon, but again, for the millionth time, I like Liverpool's recruitment structures and processes - I do not like ours - I hold Levy directly responsible and criticisable for this - AND I FUCKING HAVE.

When I have ironically pointed out Liverpool have signed their 2nd choice for 10m rather than first choice for 20m on the odd occasion I have done so to highlight that even Liverpool have to do this. I have also caveated it with - "but that's fine when your recruitment process and structure work"

In fact here's an example of that:

Getting your 2nd, 3rd or 4th choice isn’t bad necessarily, as long as your recruitment people/committee are identifying the right people for that list.

Levy is responsible for overseeing the strategy and putting in place a structure, including recruitment team (DOF, and/or head of recruitment, recruitment analysts, scouting network etc) so ultimately the buck stops with him

Meanwhile over at Tottenham, we are casting our net very wide. Doing our scouting on MOTD, generally speaking. Have we been linked with anyone you actually like? You have your head between your knees worrying we will sign Callum Wilson or Troy Deeney. You said none of the right-backs we are being linked with are better than Aurier (and I don't think you're too wide of the mark on that one). We are being constantly linked with a deal whereby we will swap a fabulously talented midfielder (one both you and I are huge fans of) for another wardrobe of a CB. It is not about the money we do or do not spend. There are players out there who would improve us so much for absolutely fuck all, in relative terms. Players like Tsimikas. He is a better player than Chilwell, who is priced at £80m, if reports are to be believed. Fine CBs like Salisu and Disasi are changing hands for £11m-£15m. But maybe we prefer the wardrobe at Inter. Zip-A-Dee-Doo-Dah.

One person oversees this madness. One.

Again, yes, I'm unhappy with the man overseeing this process to.

But, again, I still agree with the post of BF3's I responded to, that vexed you so. Whatever I'm fucked off with now, I wouldn't want us to go back to a system of managers being head of recruitment either. I would just like Levy to get to put in place a DOF, a much better, smarter recruitment structure, let that DOF oversee the introduction of a clear philosophy and steer the recruitment (including coaches) in the direction of that philosophy.

Will I need to repeat all this next week?
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But you’re just making stuff up and saying it’s true.
Find me a quite that says they didn’t or run along
I'm putting forward a theory based on evidence.

You said Shearer and Southgate were wrong.
Others who questioned him were right.

But I don't expect someone who tried to defend Poch getting 24 points out of 25 games (relegation form over 9 months) to really understand.

I said Shearer was wrong to want Winks to start the one game he was talking about.

And I have said that Southgate was wrong about his assessment of Winks as well, His hedging by talking about his struggles at Spurs and then reluctance to use him after that article seems to indicate that maybe even he himself didn't fully believe what he was saying.

At least now you have come off your made up narrative of me saying anyone that praises Winks is wrong. Maybe eventually you can find articles that aren't praising Winks for a one game or limited sample size while talking about his limitations as well.

I also never defended Poch's last 25 games. I have said he deserved to be fired for it and it was a sign of how poor the roster was.
I'm putting forward a theory based on evidence.

How does that prove that current players saying Poch called them to join is false?
No. BF3 said Klopp wanted Lewis, but got Tsimikas. And you agreed with him.

Neither you or I know whether Lewis was Klopp's or The committee's first choice, what I was agreeing with was the overarching point made by BF3 about the process those clubs use to recruit as opposed to the notion put forward by JT that their managers always get "the player they want", that BF3 was refuting.
I said Shearer was wrong to want Winks to start the one game he was talking about.

And I have said that Southgate was wrong about his assessment of Winks as well, His hedging by talking about his struggles at Spurs and then reluctance to use him after that article seems to indicate that maybe even he himself didn't fully believe what he was saying.

At least now you have come off your made up narrative of me saying anyone that praises Winks is wrong. Maybe eventually you can find articles that aren't praising Winks for a one game or limited sample size while talking about his limitations as well.

I also never defended Poch's last 25 games. I have said he deserved to be fired for it and it was a sign of how poor the roster was.
Right, so this is you NOT defending Poch.

We were 14th because of how early it was in the season, We won our next game and moved up to 5th.

The 14th BS is such garbage because it makes it sound so much worse than it was. It wasn't like we had just played a whole season and finished 14th.

Jose had enough time to get us up the table and instead managed to get us to squeak into 6th, that is not "winning."

Even in your cherry picked stats we are a distant 4th which is far from "winning" and that is painting it under the best possible light taking out context.
Another BS sound bite that people love to point to.

Who cares how long it was since our last away victory, they don't count anymore than home victories. And Jose did his fair share of losing both home and away.

He has shown he is fine losing home or away or I imagine if we play at a neutral site I am sure he will be fine losing there as well.
When we were ever in a relegation battle under Poch? Not once. Not even remotely close.

Jose was here for the majority of the season and got us to 6th. He had more than enough time to get us to top 4 but couldn't.

Poch's start had nothing to do with us scoring 0 against Bournemouth, nothing to do with drawing Burnley, twice losing to Chelsea with a chance to pass them. Poch had zero to do with Jose being unable to defeat Norwich in the FA Cup despite being a serial winner or that we were blown out by RB in the CL.

The idea that under Jose were winning ugly is crap. Under Jose we were average at best. We lost/drew plenty of games we should have won and lost the "big" games he was supposedly brought in to win.

Sure it wasn't great under Poch at the end but shitting on Poch doesn't change the reality of what we were under Jose.
Sure, you do realize that we never saw that form in a single season.
Neither you or I know whether Lewis was Klopp's or The committee's first choice, what I was agreeing with was the overarching point made by BF3 about the process those clubs use to recruit as opposed to the notion put forward by JT that their managers always get "the player they want", that BF3 was refuting.
You previously said he was Klopp's first choice, and held this up as "evidence" of Klopp not being backed, trying to make it sound like the equivalent of a Tottenham manager being handed yet another dud. Liverpool got a great left-back for peanuts.
I'm putting forward a theory based on evidence.

Berbatov left and he wanted e’too and Villa in to replace him according to Ramos in that article. This is when we weren’t a champions league club.

I don’t want to get involved in your spat but I just thought that funny
Why is everything so binary?

Levy signs the players or Poch/Jose signs them?
Could it be a combination.
Levy’s a tight fisted miser or Levy’s running spurs sustainably?
Could it be that sometimes he’s too tight and it fucks us over and other times he’s supportive of the manager and does spend big i.e. NDombele

Too big a portion of this thread is on arguments around this rather than spurious links to players and BS assessments of those players....which is what I’m here for
Berbatov left and he wanted e’too and Villa in to replace him according to Ramos in that article. This is when we weren’t a champions league club.

I don’t want to get involved in your spat but I just thought that funny
But we wanted to be a champions league club that's why we hired him.
Yes it is, and I have repeatedly criticised Levy for that:

Even his business acumen hasn't escaped my criticism recently:

No double dealing. I've criticised Levy for what I think is his remit, overseeing the structure, philosophy, appointment (or lack of) the right personnel and processes.

What I'm not ranting about is us spending within our sustainable model, putting a manager in charge of recruitment, not always getting our first choice targets etc.

Err....I have....see above.

Again, bullshit, see above.

You even acknowledge the many times I've criticised and complained about all of the above. And again I refer you to the above. How many fucking which ways can I criticise and state Levy is to blame for the process we are currently operating.

Not so hot on Reguilon, but again, for the millionth time, I like Liverpool's recruitment structures and processes - I do not like ours - I hold Levy directly responsible and criticisable for this - AND I FUCKING HAVE.

When I have ironically pointed out Liverpool have signed their 2nd choice for 10m rather than first choice for 20m on the odd occasion I have done so to highlight that even Liverpool have to do this. I have also caveated it with - "but that's fine when your recruitment process and structure work"

In fact here's an example of that:

Again, yes, I'm unhappy with the man overseeing this process to.

But, again, I still agree with the post of BF3's I responded to, that vexed you so. Whatever I'm fucked off with now, I wouldn't want us to go back to a system of managers being head of recruitment either. I would just like Levy to get to put in place a DOF, a much better, smarter recruitment structure, let that DOF oversee the introduction of a clear philosophy and steer the recruitment (including coaches) in the direction of that philosophy.

Will I need to repeat all this next week?
Excellent. And don't try to make it sound as though you dislike repeating yourself; it is very much your calling card.

Now. Why do you suppose Levy has not yet hired a DoF?
Why is everything so binary?

Levy signs the players or Poch/Jose signs them?
Could it be a combination.
Levy’s a tight fisted miser or Levy’s running spurs sustainably?
Could it be that sometimes he’s too tight and it fucks us over and other times he’s supportive of the manager and does spend big i.e. NDombele

Too big a portion of this thread is on arguments around this rather than spurious links to players and BS assessments of those players....which is what I’m here for

Yep. It’s boring and ridiculous in equal measure. Every day this thread is spammed with it. Some people just can’t be balanced.
To which player in the PL would you compare him? Stylewise.
I mostly look at Spurs games, I also follow the Swedish league and the Swedish hockey League. My wife would kill me if I watched all the teams in the league. I don't know what you other Swedes say. Aboumejang maybee (but not as good)
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