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I mean yeah in this one solitary window Bournemouth parted with more money than us due to our signings being loans with view to buys as opposed full transfers. The players are here and in the squad though, so unless you get your kicks from lookimg at a balance sheet I'm not sure why you think this point has any merit.
I agree it is like saying because I bought it on a creditcard and did not pay for it this month, it is not this months spending. Weare committed to spending it and have the benefit of the asset. Having said that they cannot count Porro as a new player in this summer.
It was £140m net. These are straight figures so it’s possible we have previous transfers with long payment structures topping up but even then it’s misleading.

Maybe includes signing on fees, agent fees, Ryanair flight tickets, etc?

Assume this is what they are referring to
What a car crash that's gonna create.

I guess they're counting on the expanded Champions League to glue it all together somehow? It will ameliorate the situation momentarily, but I can't see a future in which the emergent Big Seven in the PL doesn't just swallow the world in revenue terms, beggaring everyone else in the process.

ENIC's plan is to be a lean and profitable junior partner riding that tide until they can sell for some ungodly sum.
A lot the board have not really addressed for me, and by being selective in noting their “successes” we are diverted from their abject failure.

Some examples I picked up on, and maybe I am guilty of reading into this what I want to see.

The club points towards continued European qualification many times. But don’t want to recognise the additional revenue that brings that is ( or should be ) over and above expected revenue.

They mention the Covid hit, but not the extra income from TV from that period - ok might not have offset all the loss, but no reason THFC comes out of the Covid cluster fuck worse than anyone else.

The club mentioned their £200m summer investment - which does not seem to add up - but again don’t really mention that outgoing activity is so bad that this compromised the spend, they sort of do, but certainly not plain as day. This is actually ineptitude and they need to understand that we see through that. The Doherty mess is not the first time millions has been chucked away, that’s on ENIC.

The mention of investment in the Woman’s game is yet more deflection. And it’s crass too.

The guff about FFP is really annoying. We are nowhere near the current limit. The FFP is no threat to us. Come 25/26 you can expect Chelsea / Newcastle / City to have a grip on everything while Mr short Arms and Deep pockets fiddles with his bits. Then there are another three years on top of that before the fucking thing has any affect. It’s just an excuse, again, to be the priest at the Orgy.

I hope the THST writes back and challenges them again, But I. suspect they won’t. (Maybe I will…👍 I need to follow up on obtaining an apology for their vaccine passports bollocks )
The club want success, it's literally in their communication with the Trust above- everything done off the field is to aid/increase investment in the team with the aim to challenge for and win major honors. And true to that statement what we have seen since the stadium opened is increased investment in the team and footballing structure of the club.

People are happy to quote a 25 year old passage from Levy when talking about ENICs intentions with a different football club as the the holy grail of gotchas but when he is talking about this club specifically in real time it gets brushed off.

It's why these dialogues are a waste of time, no one cares what is said - the club couldn't have said anything in a statement in response to the Trust that would have satisfied the mob - they want to see the results delivered now.

Off the field its pretty hard to knock Levy for what he's done for the club, but I do think he should have called it quits when the stadium was finished.

The thing is that no one is being held accountable for some absolutely shocking decisions on the pitch. The club has lurched from one shocking decision to another. The club has been run by an egomaniac that got a few decisions right, who also managed to get lucky with a few cheap signings which then went to his head and he believed he'd stumbled on a magic formula to run the club on the cheap.

The fans want to see that there is accountability like in any business and ultimately that will only mean one thing, Levy out.

I do think the club is on the right path with Paratici signing players the club needs rather than the scatter gun approach of yore. It will probably take at least another 3 t/f windows to get Conte the squad he wants I just don't think Conte will ever be a Spurs manager, unless ofc he changes his ways and style of football. Are we all prepared to sit in hope that if he does sign we might win something in the next 3 or 4 years, even if it means we have to keep watching turgid football..... What if at the end of those 4 years we still haven't won anything......
Once the squad it is at a good level, which i think it will be come the summer (agree/disagree?) i don't see why we'd need a mass rebuild with a change of manager. Porro can play RB, don't know about Udogie wrt playing LB but mostly the squad should only need tweaks here and there to accommodate a coach with different styles - we're always going to be signing/selling players as windiws come & go so this particular issue isn't really much cause for concern imv
It's been 4 years since the stadium opened, and this club still employs Dier, Davies, Sanchez, Tanganga and Sessegnon, with some of them starting week in, week out. That is the definition of stagnation. Where the fuck do you see this good level come the summer? Do you see us investing 300M in order to truly replace and improve people that have been here for a very long time and have started declining, like Son and Hugo among others? We've seen more than enough throughout the years to suggest that this cunt board will do the absolute minimum to try to get into the top 4 again.
ENIC apologists are truly mesmerising creatures with the amount of mental gymnastics that they do.
It's been 4 years since the stadium opened, and this club still employs Dier, Davies, Sanchez, Tanganga and Sessegnon, with some of them starting week in, week out. That is the definition of stagnation. Where the fuck do you see this good level come the summer? Do you see us investing 300M in order to truly replace and improve people that have been here for a very long time and have started declining, like Son and Hugo among others? We've seen more than enough throughout the years to suggest that this cunt board will do the absolute minimum to try to get into the top 4 again.
ENIC apologists are truly mesmerising creatures with the amount of mental gymnastics that they do.

Brilliant post 🏅🏅🏅
Once the squad it is at a good level, which i think it will be come the summer (agree/disagree?)
I think the absolute rosiest view you could take is that we'll be the sixth best squad in the PL with the only competitor even close being the newly crowned champions down the road.

And the only reason you can be that rosy is the now 16 month contract on which we have the rights to Harry Kane.

And that's an improvement on 18 months ago, believe it or not.
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I agree it is like saying because I bought it on a creditcard and did not pay for it this month, it is not this months spending. Weare committed to spending it and have the benefit of the asset. Having said that they cannot count Porro as a new player in this summer.

1 Porro is bought on a loan with an obligation to buy. So that's analogous to your credit card analogy.

2 Danjuma was bought on a loan with an option to buy - otherwise known as a 'try before you buy loan'

3 Kulusevski was bought a year ago on a loan with (now) an obligation to buy expiring next summer.

All of the above are examples as financial strategies to buy the players - in Porro's case its said that Sporting wanted the sale proceeds to appear in next years accounts rather than this years. So its a strategy which allows Spurs to buy the player NOW when we want him - not next year.

Kulusevski has been an excellent acquisition for us scoring goals and creating assists - does it matter to us that we finalise the deal by paying in the summer to purchase him ? Only to financial analysts, not to football followers.

Danjuma looked good on a 20 minute appearance against Preston and limited other times I've seen videos of him. But if we are not certain he's a top player, its a great idea to get him on a 'try before you buy deal'. Are we committed to buy him - no but if he is good we know the terms which takes away uncertainties

Rather than trying to analyse each deal (and we do not know the contract details nor how much agents are paid (in an extreme case its said 40% of Haaland's cost is agents fees), its far more accurate to judge the club on players recruited - not the financial details which we really do not know. (The only time we need to look at club finances is to check its got sound finances - won't go bust as there are not short term debts needing early repayment which look unlikely to be financed etc). Most deals are paid over the life of the players contract, typically in 5 equal instalments if player on a 5 year contract, but not on every deal and some deals we pay 100% up front, so without detail that we do not have, its pointless trying to work out what has been paid in each window. Fair enough to say we bought or loaned in 2 x £50m players, not accurate but a reasonable approximation.

And on the recruitment front I'd suggest recruitment under a DoF like Paratici has been good, with a low 'failure rate' versus others ........ but from 2016 to 2020 under Poch/Mourhino as the senior football guys and Hitches as Chief Scout recruitment was very poor with a high 'failure' rate. And before that we had decent recruitment (not as consistent as present) such that before Poch arrived the squad included Llloris, Vorm, Walker, Rose, Davies, Dier, Vertonghen, Dembele, Mason and Bentaleb (Poch's first choice CM's in his first season), Eriksen, Lamela and Kane.

So with the squad pre-Poch ageing and half gone and a very poor 2016-20 recruitment, Paratici's recruitment has been to try to rebuild and improve on the squad made available to Poch and replace many of the players poorly scouted and bought 2016-20.

And that will take time and money - we have a half decent squad now although there are well known gaps (Porro and Danjuma hopefully filling two gaps), but if we buy sensibly in summer most gaps will have been filled by Paratici.

Sure its not a perfect squad (and even after spending £1 bn Mancity say their squad has holes) and its impractical to rebuild much faster than Paratici is doing - coach cannot integrate too many players at once for one thing.
It's been 4 years since the stadium opened, and this club still employs Dier, Davies, Sanchez, Tanganga and Sessegnon, with some of them starting week in, week out. That is the definition of stagnation. Where the fuck do you see this good level come the summer? Do you see us investing 300M in order to truly replace and improve people that have been here for a very long time and have started declining, like Son and Hugo among others? We've seen more than enough throughout the years to suggest that this cunt board will do the absolute minimum to try to get into the top 4 again.
ENIC apologists are truly mesmerising creatures with the amount of mental gymnastics that they do.

You must have missed covid - without people going to matches and other events the stadium costs ,more than it earns in revenues

So the fact the stadium was opened in 2019, 4 years ago has no meaning in terms of money coming to the club to invest in players. Its only last season club made money which can be invested in players, which is what Paratici has done
That was such a shit tone deaf response. There’s genuine anger towards the board that there never has been, anti levy chants at every game and they think that was an appropriate response. Basically just said we’re doing a fine job shut up stop complaining.
Honestly, all that response from the board tells me is that they resent the supporters of this football club for questioning their ownership.

They have no intention to win anything here and it's more bullshit and more pulling the wool over the eyes! Absolute nonsense imo.

The ego and attitude of untouchable authority seeping out of the response genuinely makes me despair for our club.

I detest our owners, really I do, just slimy and pathetic, won't get a single penny more from me until they fuck off.
You must have missed covid - without people going to matches and other events the stadium costs ,more than it earns in revenues

So the fact the stadium was opened in 2019, 4 years ago has no meaning in terms of money coming to the club to invest in players. Its only last season club made money which can be invested in players, which is what Paratici has done
And you must've missed the funds that the EPL provided to clubs after COVID. We were one of the clubs that were hit the least by COVID, and yet seem to be one of the clubs that is still suffering from it...
While I wouldn't call their responses confrontational, it did have somewhat of a feeling of defensiveness and indignance at having to answer them.

Oh, you have a genuine question on behalf of your supporter base? Just reference the PR responses already published in our documents last year.
As Tomo Tomo said , very political type answers , no mention of incoming £ just outgoing. I did look at our transfers , in and out over the past 7 years & bloody hell we have bought some crap.

The trust don’t help themselves in their questions , 3 of the replies were basically “ see above “

I’m sure people on here could have asked more directed questions that demanded real answers , but regardless you’d probably get more fobbing off.
Answered above. We are excited by the young talents we have at the academy. We have always ensured a clear pathway for youth to progress to the First Team, along with a development system that includes strategic loans. In respect of new young players, Jude Soonsup-Bell is a great addition to our U21s.

How many players from the youth teams have made it successfully into the starting XI ?

In addition to the summer investment of over £200m we have committed to a further £47m spend this January.

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