Érik Lamela

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Morning all, been a follower of the forums for a while now but this is my 1st post. I have a couple of thoughts on the situation:

1. I think all of us can tell he looks completely bereft of any confidence. Yesterday his first instincts seemed to be to pass or find a teammate, whereas his effectiveness in Serie A seemed to come largely from him running at the opposition with no fear. I really feel he needs an extended run in the side to overcome this but what would that say to the players who have been performing slightly better? It would be the direct opposite example to Townsend, who's earning his place.by constantly putting in performances which are making a difference. It's therefore a difficult situation for AVB, balancing the needs of one player against this philosophy. Personally I would love to see him start against Hull as I think the impact on his Tottenham development from playing in the premier league will dwarf that of the Europa, but I can see why AVB may be reluctant at this stage.

2. Lamela wasn't helped by the services of Defoe and the changing of Chiriches to RB. Defoe, goal aside, really didn't involve himself in much link up play yet again, whilst the time Lamela switched to the right he had Chriches behind him. On more than one occasion Chiriches failed to pass to Lamela when he should have, and there was one instance in the 2nd half when Lamela was far wide and Chiriches chose to go alone and cut in tat you could visibly see his frustration. With Soldado in the team, and either Walker or Rose behind him I fully believe you will see a more effective player emerge fairly quickly.

Lastly, it cannot be overstated the consequences of moving to a new country and settling in. I'm currently working in Switzerland for 6 months on university placement, and even though I'm living with relatives and am aided by the people speaking mostly fluent English, the cultural impacts and lack of immediate social circle within the country outside of work does get to you a bit. Add in his challenge that not many people in England speak fluent Spanish and he is going to feel slightly overwhelmed and possibly lonely, especially at his age.

Ultimately I think he has the potential to be great, but it will almost certainly be until after Christmas until we really start seeing our record player offering the type of performances we were all excited about when we heard he'd joined- here's hoping it's even earlier than that!

Apologise for the essay, may have got a bit carried away.... :king:
Look at Sandro's performance again Villa, and try to imagine if Sandro had been rushed back after his nightmare against Anzhi. I think AVB knows what he's doing and we have to place a bit of faith in him with regards to blooding Lamela, his time will come but he won't displace Townsend, and I don't think he'd be half as effective replacing Siggy on the left.
Look at Sandro's performance again Villa, and try to imagine if Sandro had been rushed back after his nightmare against Anzhi. I think AVB knows what he's doing and we have to place a bit of faith in him with regards to blooding Lamela, his time will come but he won't displace Townsend, and I don't think he'd be half as effective replacing Siggy on the left.
Him and Townsend can interchange. Mix it up a bit.

Crazy shit, I know, I know

I think Lennon is more likely to start than Lamela, AVB will know when he's ready which was the crux of my point.
To be fair - that's what people said about Friedelgate last year but to be quite honest (and looking at our clean sheet record this season alone) - Lloris should have started much, much earlier and perhaps saved us some crucial points.
To be fair - that's what people said about Friedelgate last year but to be quite honest (and looking at our clean sheet record this season alone) - Lloris should have started much, much earlier and perhaps saved us some crucial points.
It's easy to say that Lloris would have come in straight away and hit the ground running, Spurs fans like to elevate players who aren't available/selected. Lamela hasn't had a pre-season, and his position is strong enough that he doesn't need to be thrown in straight away. Eriksen was a special case as Holtby wasn't 100% fit and he's a lot more experienced although similar in age. Lamela's time will come, I'm excited for when that time arrives.
I was quite disappointed with Lamela last night, he gave so many simple passes straight to Sheriff, really needs to up his game in my honest opinion.
To be fair - that's what people said about Friedelgate last year but to be quite honest (and looking at our clean sheet record this season alone) - Lloris should have started much, much earlier and perhaps saved us some crucial points.
I disagree. I thought that AvB played that really well, and was intelligent enough to realise that putting in a new goalkeeper straight into the starting line-up with no pre-season with the club could end up going wrong. Friedel knew the defence, the club and had enough experience to keep his place in the team. It wasn't like he was Gomes, who could have lost us games on his own accord. The same goes for the Townsend/Lamela debate. There is no harm in keeping Townsend in the team for the meanwhile, as he's performing well and high on confidence! Lamela was a late signing for us, and is still getting used to those around him.

What a fantastic 'problem' for AvB to have, he has a perfectly capable player to rotate with a form player - Townsend.
Look at Sandro's performance again Villa, and try to imagine if Sandro had been rushed back after his nightmare against Anzhi. I think AVB knows what he's doing and we to place a bit of faith in him with regards to blooding Lamela, his time will come but he won't displace Townsend, and I don't think he'd be half as effective replacing Siggy on the left.
Of course AVB knows what he is doing! Can anyone tell me who currently in the EPL, they would rather have at the helm of THFC? Realistically Who? Please! Mourhino? (Not for me) Moyes? (Yeah Right) Rogers? (CV Please) Pelli-who? In my opinion (realistically) We have the best young manager in the world! Positive and forward thinking!

Those of you that question the progress we (THFC) have made, are making. Do me a favor! When you are buying the Sun tomorrow/today. Role it into a tube and see how far you can get it down the back of your throat!!

Morning all, been a follower of the forums for a while now but this is my 1st post. I have a couple of thoughts on the situation:

1. I think all of us can tell he looks completely bereft of any confidence. Yesterday his first instincts seemed to be to pass or find a teammate, whereas his effectiveness in Serie A seemed to come largely from him running at the opposition with no fear. I really feel he needs an extended run in the side to overcome this but what would that say to the players who have been performing slightly better? It would be the direct opposite example to Townsend, who's earning his place.by constantly putting in performances which are making a difference. It's therefore a difficult situation for AVB, balancing the needs of one player against this philosophy. Personally I would love to see him start against Hull as I think the impact on his Tottenham development from playing in the premier league will dwarf that of the Europa, but I can see why AVB may be reluctant at this stage.

2. Lamela wasn't helped by the services of Defoe and the changing of Chiriches to RB. Defoe, goal aside, really didn't involve himself in much link up play yet again, whilst the time Lamela switched to the right he had Chriches behind him. On more than one occasion Chiriches failed to pass to Lamela when he should have, and there was one instance in the 2nd half when Lamela was far wide and Chiriches chose to go alone and cut in tat you could visibly see his frustration. With Soldado in the team, and either Walker or Rose behind him I fully believe you will see a more effective player emerge fairly quickly.

Lastly, it cannot be overstated the consequences of moving to a new country and settling in. I'm currently working in Switzerland for 6 months on university placement, and even though I'm living with relatives and am aided by the people speaking mostly fluent English, the cultural impacts and lack of immediate social circle within the country outside of work does get to you a bit. Add in his challenge that not many people in England speak fluent Spanish and he is going to feel slightly overwhelmed and possibly lonely, especially at his age.

Ultimately I think he has the potential to be great, but it will almost certainly be until after Christmas until we really start seeing our record player offering the type of performances we were all excited about when we heard he'd joined- here's hoping it's even earlier than that!

Apologise for the essay, may have got a bit carried away.... :king:
Agree! The boy is 21? He needs time to settle. We are not Stoke City! We can (an should) afford him this!
Of course AVB knows what he is doing! Can anyone tell me who currently in the EPL, they would rather have at the helm of THFC? Realistically Who? Please! Mourhino? (Not for me) Moyes? (Yeah Right) Rogers? (CV Please) Pelli-who? In my opinion (realistically) We have the best young manager in the world! Positive and forward thinking!

Those of you that question the progress we (THFC) have made, are making. Do me a favor! When you are buying the Sun tomorrow/today. Role it into a tube and see how far you can get it down the back of your throat!!


I'm not saying I'd rather have him as I think AVB is doing a great job and hope he sticks around for many a season but I've been rather impressed with Michael Laudrup as a manager. Plays a good brand of footy and seems to have a very good eye for talent. If he keeps it up I see him having a great future in management plus he's not a total cunt like mourinho, benitez, rogers or the like

was a handy player too lol
Of course AVB knows what he is doing! Can anyone tell me who currently in the EPL, they would rather have at the helm of THFC? Realistically Who? Please! Mourhino? (Not for me) Moyes? (Yeah Right) Rogers? (CV Please) Pelli-who? In my opinion (realistically) We have the best young manager in the world! Positive and forward thinking!

Those of you that question the progress we (THFC) have made, are making. Do me a favor! When you are buying the Sun tomorrow/today. Role it into a tube and see how far you can get it down the back of your throat!!


To be fair, dont shag Rodgers off so easily. He has made them much better. Done will with Swansea and continued with Liverpool.
I press this argument to my Spurs-supporting mates all the time - if not AVB, who? There's hardly an abundance of top quality managers queuing up at Levy's door. I wanted him when he finished at Porto, and still wanted him after the Chavs fucked him over.

I've been rather impressed with Michael Laudrup as a manager. Plays a good brand of footy and seems to have a very good eye for talent.

3 months ago I would have agreed with you wholeheartedly, but he is going through his first sticky patch so it'll be interesting to see how they get on over the next 5-10 games. Need to show some character.

AAAAAANNNNNNNNNYYYYYWAY, back on topic - young Erik:lamelashock:...
Definitely needs a run in the team to adapt not only to his new team mates, but the Premier League. Sporadic substitute appearances aren't going to give him this opportunity, but with Townsend playing so well, it's hard to justify switching the two of 'em.

I didn't see much of him at Roma, can he not play on the left (being left-footed and all that)?
Did anybody else think, when Townsend got injured, that this was the chance for Lamela to seize the moment?
I did ...

Oh well, his chance will come soon (although hopefully not due to someone's injury).

Lamela's brother Brian, came to WHL all away from Argentina to watch Lamela play.
Maybe he thought Lamela was gonna get his first start?

A bit sad for him, but a bit strange too in that there may have been a case of mis-communication between them, as he should've knew beforehand if Lamela was gonna start or not. But then again, maybe Brian just expected Lamela to come on as a sub, but circumstances did not let it be. Maybe if Brian stays long enough, he might get to see Lamela play against Hull in the CC.
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