Érik Lamela

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"With Erik it was a little bit more difficult but we have given him massive, massive help and his family arrived this week.

"He knows he isn't producing half of what he can produce but he understands the situation now is that he has to compete for his place."

Just what we needed to hear (even though we already may have known what was going on).
Plus, I love these last 2 sentences from AVB. I feel so much better now.:avblol:
Tottenham manager Andre Villas-Boas believes the language barrier is preventing club-record signing Erik Lamela from hitting the ground running at White Hart Lane.

The 21-year-old Argentina international, signed from Roma in the summer for a fee believed to be close to £30million, has featured only sparingly for Spurs and has yet to be handed a start in the Barclays Premier League.

Lamela was an unused substitute in Sunday's 1-0 win over Hull and the former River Plate forward has had to make do with looking to have an impact in Europa League ties.

He is yet to score his first goal for the club and, with limited game time the summer signing has not had the immediate impact many supporters would have expected.

But when asked if the fee paid for Lamela meant there was pressure to pick him, Villas-Boas replied: "Not really, no.

"We have been speaking a lot with him. I think getting acquainted to the Premier League is important but he doesn't know the language. (Roberto) Soldado had some knowledge of the language before (he came) so it was a little bit easier for him.

"With Erik it was a little bit more difficult but we have given him massive, massive help and his family arrived this week.

"He knows he isn't producing half of what he can produce but he understands the situation now is that he has to compete for his place."

@ Mad Yid Mad Yid Quoted for educational posterity. Should be good for ya.
@ Mad Yid Mad Yid Quoted for educational posterity. Should be good for ya.

AVB is making excuses for various reasons. The reason he aint hit the ground running is he's had limited playing time and it has mostly been out of position. Townsend is another reason as he's come out of nowhere and made the RW spot his own, Lamelas preferred position. Loads of players have played well over the years without speaking English from Tevez to Coutinho and a shitload more. There's no argument to be had as football isn't debate class.
I'll give that Lamela might be struggling to adapt to England as a whole, as it is a rainy shithole lol unlike anywhere he's lived before, he could be homesick but language alone nah don't buy it as to many players have coped and excelled before as quality footballers know how to move on a footy pitch without yelling aload of shite all over the place.

Tevez came here at a similar age straight out of South America and single handedly kept wet spam up but he played week in week out 90 minutes of football, likewise Coutinho hit the ground running but he played every week too. Lamela might be a sensitive soul and mentally fragile but I think the main thing holding him back is AVB.

Anyway I hope you can leave it alone now as this little debate is boring tbh. You think footy players need to be fluent speakers of the language of their league to excel and I don't. I can live with the fact you are wrong, if you can live with the fact I am right lol. Oh yeah and I apologize for calling you a fuckn idiot. I'm feeling nice tonight lol.
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I can't really say for sure that it is AVB who's holding Lamela back, but this language excuse is just blatant.

I'm not saying that Lamela shouldn't be given more time to bed in or anything, but...
Just as @ Mad Yid Mad Yid said, too many players with a English language barrier have done well in the PL, let alone England.

Though language would help for sure, there's probably something more to this Lamela setback than what meets the eye. Nonetheless, I doubt that this 'problem' will be long lasting.
The language is an excuse of course, but there are times when it is a genuinely valid excuse. Coutinho is being given as an example, but the fact is, there are many people he can converse with in other languages (Lucas, Suarez, etc). He isn't an entity who is alone at the club. Lamela is different. The only other person he can genuinely converse at the club is Soldado, who's new as well and has been having a really tough time till recently. So they can't really bounce off each other's positive vibes.

There are a couple of exceptions of players always, but the vast majority need time to adapt from a different country and a different league. The reason is not as flimsy as many believe it is.
You think footy players need to be fluent speakers of the language of their league to excel and I don't.

The argument is not that it is a necessity across the board, but that it is a legitimate excuse for someone of his age bearing the weight of being a major club's record signing in a country where he knows no one and can't even communicate with anyone.

More importantly, I'm never wrong broseph :townhmm:
The language is an excuse of course, but there are times when it is a genuinely valid excuse. Coutinho is being given as an example, but the fact is, there are many people he can converse with in other languages (Lucas, Suarez, etc). He isn't an entity who is alone at the club. Lamela is different. The only other person he can genuinely converse at the club is Soldado, who's new as well and has been having a really tough time till recently. So they can't really bounce off each other's positive vibes.

There are a couple of exceptions of players always, but the vast majority need time to adapt from a different country and a different league. The reason is not as flimsy as many believe it is.

I've seen Lamela on tv talking to the Brazilian lads and unlike Coutinho at scouse land most of our main coaches speak Spanish fluently. Fact is too AVB knows he can't replace Townsend right now or move him to accomadate Lamela as it would only add to the already immense pressure of being our first 30 mil player. Add to that the atmosphere at WHL is already verging on shite alot of the time then it really is abit of a fucked situation.

Personally I think we really need Lamela on the RW as he adds far more creativity than Townsend imo but Townsend has so much support that it would be verging on suicidal to mess with him right now as one bad game and the knives would be flying.
The Townsend point lends to another question, where should he play? Townsend won't be dropped, especially since he's English and performed well for England in a WC year, so where should Lamela slot in?
I'd agree with Mad Yid's idea of trying Townsend out on the left. I've always wanted to see that, as we need some good crosses whipped in from the left wing (which is non existent now). Lamela on the right would still balance it out with Walker providing the width. Right now, we have Jan/Naughton playing there, and it is impossible to get any width down the left. Teams know this and are countering against it too easily.
I'd agree with Mad Yid's idea of trying Townsend out on the left. I've always wanted to see that, as we need some good crosses whipped in from the left wing (which is non existent now). Lamela on the right would still balance it out with Walker providing the width. Right now, we have Jan/Naughton playing there, and it is impossible to get any width down the left. Teams know this and are countering against it too easily.

Yea with Rose out injured Townsend really is the only other player we got to offer quality pacey width on the left. Siggy is slow and like Chadli cuts in leaving nobody on the overlap at present. Rose started the season like a man on fire with a point to prove and then in true spursy fashion gets injured. Rose and Chadli showed some real good signs of understanding each others game early days to and I remember being more impressed with our left side than our right before his injury. Ah well these are the decisions AVB is paid the big bucks to make, and regardless of his decisions there's sure to be vocal opposition amongst our ranks with plenty of impatient middle aged men wanting instant gratification and bragging rights for the drinking session at the pub post match. One last thing, I doubt Lamela could do any less than Lennon against Hull who was mostly non exsistent whether on the left or the right and he speaks great cockney.
One last thing, I doubt Lamela could do any less than Lennon against Hull who was mostly non exsistent whether on the left or the right and he speaks great cockney.

Touché. Lennon was unbelievably static on Sunday. Stood perfectly still while the ball moved around the top of the box.
...yeah, keep making excuses for the $30M wunderkind "Lame"-ela - I'm sure with him on the pitch we'd be bossing all the Hulls and Palaces of the PL...the only ones sucking harder than he does are the pink-hat pussies lining up in front of his crotch on their knees..."omg he was soooooo good in Serie A"...what a fucking joke...
...yeah, keep making excuses for the $30M wunderkind "Lame"-ela - I'm sure with him on the pitch we'd be bossing all the Hulls and Palaces of the PL...the only ones sucking harder than he does are the pink-hat pussies lining up in front of his crotch on their knees..."omg he was soooooo good in Serie A"...what a fucking joke...

you're really 41 ffs


...yeah, keep making excuses for the $30M wunderkind "Lame"-ela - I'm sure with him on the pitch we'd be bossing all the Hulls and Palaces of the PL...the only ones sucking harder than he does are the pink-hat pussies lining up in front of his crotch on their knees..."omg he was soooooo good in Serie A"...what a fucking joke...

I don't get you. We paid 30m for him. We can't go back. The kid is 21 years ago. The kid was the youngest player in to score 20 goals, in the four major leagues. He hasn't produced for us, we all know that. He clearly hasn't shown he is a 30m player, yet you find the need to get on a 21 year olds back. You saying these things only makes the situation worse. Shut the fuck up if you won't support Spurs and its players. Lamela hasn't done a single thing to make you dislike him. If anything, blame Levy for the purchase of him. It isn't his fault he got such a high fee. He's been here less than 2 months and you already want him gone. You, sir, are a dumbass. Please leave - Spurs and the forum.
I don't get you. We paid 30m for him. We can't go back. The kid is 21 years ago. The kid was the youngest player in to score 20 goals, in the four major leagues. He hasn't produced for us, we all know that. He clearly hasn't shown he is a 30m player, yet you find the need to get on a 21 year olds back. You saying these things only makes the situation worse. Shut the fuck up if you won't support Spurs and its players. Lamela hasn't done a single thing to make you dislike him. If anything, blame Levy for the purchase of him. It isn't his fault he got such a high fee. He's been here less than 2 months and you already want him gone. You, sir, are a dumbass. Please leave - Spurs and the forum.

the bloke comes across like a spoilt 15 year old girl
The boys only just 21. It takes some players longer than others to settle! You can see he is nervous by his body langue and therefore his first touch is not the best it could be at the moment! For me we have the Carling Cup and have all but qualified for the last 32 of the Europa League Cup! Give Lamala 90 minutes in these games to find his touch and I for one think by the new year he will be a regular appearances for us in the EPL!

...yeah, keep making excuses for the $30M wunderkind "Lame"-ela - I'm sure with him on the pitch we'd be bossing all the Hulls and Palaces of the PL...the only ones sucking harder than he does are the pink-hat pussies lining up in front of his crotch on their knees..."omg he was soooooo good in Serie A"...what a fucking joke...

I've always wondered what jumping the shark looked like in a forum post! Thanks!
he's yet to start a game as part of a forward unit that doesn't contain Jermain Defoe - now when your game is based on quick interactive passing and intelligent movement on and off the ball, with the regular exchanging of positions and roles, only to be stuck with Jermain Defoe, it doesn't really help you thrive.

let him play with either Ade or Bobby and we should see him much more involved - it's miraculous what selfless forward play can bring to a supporting attackers game, and any striker but Defoe will provide that 100% more effectively and regularly.

it's not shifting the blame on to somebody else before that accusation rears its head, but it's merely pointing out a fucking clear correlation between disjointed, uninvolved performances and a major contributor to its root cause.
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