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He's a horrible, hateful cunt and all of this is spiteful.

But Eni Aluko is a fucking awful pundit.
Aluko's no worse than the vast majority of them - and the vast majority are male.

It must rankle with Barton's massive, deluded ego that nobody wants HIM to be on MOTD!!!
It just amuses me that virtue signaling melts like Likeker are keeping their heads down.

I'm going to piss myself laughing when someone actually breaks ranks and the holier than thou mob get taken down.
He's just the latest grifter who has worked out that there is easy money to be made off the back of an army of pathetic little incels.

Yeah it’s a pretty easy grift.

Step 1)
Just act like a complete cunt on social media including

Step 2)
Moan that some sort of some media cabal are gagging you and your free speech (obviously not just because you're a massive cunt)

Step 3)
Go on GB News and/or post YouTube videos where you create outrage from fairly innocuous current affairs stories.

Thought he was a cunt as a player, a cunt as a coach and a cunt outside of football. Nothing surprising here.

Zlatan big nose gesture is only thing of value he’s ever done. Outweighed x1000 by all the twat things
No one desrves the abuse really and some of the male pundits are shocking.
But it just seems some female pundits are shoehorned in through no fault of their own. I do think its better to have someone who played at that level to talk about whats going on if both parties are equally bad.
Watched some of the womens world cup and the female pundits that i watched on irish tv did a good job i thought because i knew fuck all about womens football.
Also i dont think its as simple as switching off before the game and after. While i now rarely watch pregame and post game some people want analysis and in depth discussion. To me no channel is really any good though
Yes, Barton is a complete bell-end, though at the core of this issue is the relevance of "lived experience". That is a concept that is used a great deal to justify the need (for example) to have female / minority representation of one sort or another in different contexts. I happen to think it is stating the obvious to say IT IS relevant to being "an expert" or well-informed, or having a nuanced, rounded view on some issues, if not the be all, and end all.

In relation to football, by way of example, turning to a female pundit to ask about the pressure of taking a penalty in a men's WC knock-out game is, in one sense clearly soliciting a less informed opinion, than turning to a man who has actually been in that situation. Doesn't mean it's irrelevant or worthless, or that the Barton's views and the way's he's expressing them are defensible.

Barton is a kicking post and an objectionable guy, but people should try and understand the concept that's being debated, it's wider use or application beyond football, and try to discuss in a reasonable fashion.
Yes, Barton is a complete bell-end, though at the core of this issue is the relevance of "lived experience". That is a concept that is used a great deal to justify the need (for example) to have female / minority representation of one sort or another in different contexts. I happen to think it is stating the obvious to say IT IS relevant to being "an expert" or well-informed, or having a nuanced, rounded view on some issues, if not the be all, and end all.

In relation to football, by way of example, turning to a female pundit to ask about the pressure of taking a penalty in a men's WC knock-out game is, in one sense clearly soliciting a less informed opinion, than turning to a man who has actually been in that situation. Doesn't mean it's irrelevant or worthless, or that the Barton's views and the way's he's expressing them are defensible.

Barton is a kicking post and an objectionable guy, but people should try and understand the concept that's being debated, it's wider use or application beyond football, and try to discuss in a reasonable fashion.
Naghh the man 's a dick.

Surprise surprise, Paddy disagrees. Can women have penises btw Paddy?
If you are asking me should women be allowed to have sex changes. Then yes if they want a sex change good luck to them

If you asking me if a man after having a sex change should be allowed to compete in top level competition as a woman then no. I think that would be unfair.

It's nuanced and complicated but treat people with respect would be the starting point.

The equality of the sexes is acknowledging woman can be just as as idiotic football pundits then any man. There are some shocking pundits of either sex and some good ones too.

If I can talk about football. Then fuck me anyone can.
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