Come here to laugh at Dippers

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That's just ugly ... what's with the corners and a roof that will ensure the bottom tier get soaked? ... very 1980's style ... nasty
Duckenfield cleared. What a joke. No one is accountable for anything these days. High office means literally nothing. Still, go overdrawn at the bank, or fail to pay a parking ticket, drive in a bus lane, and the Gauleiters will come down hard. Be responsible for the deaths of 96 people? Nah, here’s your pension, and thanks.

What a fucking country. I’m going to have a few days off. Good luck vs Bournemouth.

Duckenfield was incompetent and ill qualified to police that match, it seems he didn't know about the safety features at the ground, he didn't put ticket checks outside Leppings Lane which was a small cramped area and he didn't order the gates to the central pens closed after authorising the gate outside to be opened during the build up of the crush. I just think he was out of his depth.
He then lied about fans forcing the gate - which was his biggest crime for me.

Ask yourselves is that enough to go to prison? For me this has been dragging on for 30+ years, He is a very old man now, the time has been and gone to impose a custodial sentence on him, he has probably suffered enough in those 30 years. I doubt a day goes by where he isn't tortured by it.

Him going to prison isn't going to bring anybody back or give the families peace though I understand them wanting somebody to be held to account.

but that's just my own opinion, I mean no disrespect to anybody, while I dislike scousers, that tragedy was very sad, and left a lasting impression on me as a lad.

It could easily have been our fans the year before against Wolves.
Dippers phoning into Talksport yesterday (saw clips on Twitter, I don't listen) being utterly unreasonable as usual over the Ballon d'Or. Always outraged.
Trevor Sinclair getting a bit of a backlash from the Liverpool fans :mourhandlaugh:

Thought it was the official nickname?
Messi's really pissed off the kopites.

I love him. Tiny Argentinian unicorn.

ETA: so a drunkard like Roberto Firmino, a wife beater like Stan Collymore and a racist like Luis Suarez then? Actually, isn't Sinclair black?
Dippers phoning into Talksport yesterday (saw clips on Twitter, I don't listen) being utterly unreasonable as usual over the Ballon d'Or. Always outraged.

Take my word for it, Liverpool fans are like Scientologists.

A true cult, outside of their own little world, they refuse to see any other point of view.

Just thank your lucky stars you don't have to live here with them.
When Ferguson celebrates, he's a cunt. When Klopp celebrates, it's passion.

Basically all managers should be banned from celebrating, except Klopp. When Son or whoever scores, Mourinho should just smile and wave and then do nothing.
King this, king that.

This is a tweet I liked after the Ballon d'Or announcement and it perfectly sums up their attitude to anyone they sign:

I remember them claiming Ballotelli was a top 3 Premier League striker even after weeks of subpar performances when they signed him.

Fair play to the bloke. Thought he would take a break, go to Real Madrid and then Germany.

Huge commitment and worth every penny.

Hope we can wipe the fcuking grin of his shiny toothed face.

But he has proven any doubters wrong in the most comprehensive fashion possible.

Fair play to the bloke. Thought he would take a break, go to Real Madrid and then Germany.

Huge commitment and worth every penny.

Hope we can wipe the fcuking grin of his shiny toothed face.

But he has proven any doubters wrong in the most comprehensive fashion possible.
It's alright.

Signing a beloved manager up to a five year deal simply means the wheels are going to fall off in the next 18 months, resulting in his sacking.
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