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Today's scenario goons win, play chavs in't final win cup Wenger definately stays! Chavs wondering about Wembley as losers!
Or goons get smoked today total meltdown and finally Wenger walks! (Which we don't want) And hope to feck citae get their act together..and beat they cunts Chelsea in final anyway....but can't see that happening!
I want Woolwich absolutely embarrassed today. I want City to put 4+ past them, just like Chelsea did to us. I want City to END their fucking cup run. I want there confidence absolutely shattered. NOTHING left to play for.

Then next week, we'll fucking smash them and officially ending their hopes of finishing above us. That is their season done, finished. Sanchez and Ozil will fuck off and they're left with Oxlade-Chamberlain at right wing back and Wilshere coming back.


Jesus Christ they just don't let any opportunity pass them by do they?
Imagine walking out of the Tube, full of excitement and (over) confidence... to be greeted by that shit!

Whoever is organising all this is like an annoying little brother who just keeps poking you in the forehead saying;
" I annoying youamiannoyinyouamiannoyinyouamiannoyinyouamiannoyinyouamiannoyinyou?"
Jesus Christ they just don't let any opportunity pass them by do they?
Imagine walking out of the Tube, full of excitement and (over) confidence... to be greeted by that shit!

Whoever is organising all this is like an annoying little brother who just keeps poking you in the forehead saying;
" I annoying youamiannoyinyouamiannoyinyouamiannoyinyouamiannoyinyouamiannoyinyou?"

Looks like a Paddy Power stunt
They are gonna be fuckin unbearable next Sunday... They always manage to have something to gloat about... just when I thought i'd heard the last of those cunts smugly singing "iss appenin' agaaaaaaain!" they'll probably revive it with some Wemberley bollocks or other... VILE CAAAAAAAAANTS!

No doubt this will give them some sort of lift (rather than knackering them out with an ET defeat like I was hoping)

We need to bring them CRASHING back down to earth next weekend (that's assuming Leicester won't bother doing it first on Wednesday!!)
Getting to a cup final just shows their fans for the idiots they are to all other football fans. Screaming for the managers head and telling the players they are shit two weeks ago to suddenly being amazing....
Chelsea can have the FA cup.

Can't believe Goons are going to finish outside of the top 4, may lose the NLD but still might win more silverware than us this season.
Kill me if this happens.
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