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Its a tough one.

Because, yes (looks at fixtures nervously) we will finish above them this year, and being in touching distance of the league shows what a turnaround our club has made in such a short period of time.

But as i've said before it has very little permanence in the longer term. In ten years time people wont remember what a great runners up team we had. Great sides are defined by the honours they win and they are on course for their third FA cup win in four years.


So the alternative is Chelsea winning the double.


I would love a third case scenario; we pip Chelsea to the league. In which case the bipolar cunts down the road can have their timpot FA cup. We will have won something they have dreamed of for over a decade.

But i just cant see it happening.
Its a tough one.

Because, yes (looks at fixtures nervously) we will finish above them this year, and being in touching distance of the league shows what a turnaround our club has made in such a short period of time.

But as i've said before it has very little permanence in the longer term. In ten years time people wont remember what a great runners up team we had. Great sides are defined by the honours they win and they are on course for their third FA cup win in four years.


So the alternative is Chelsea winning the double.


I would love a third case scenario; we pip Chelsea to the league. In which case the bipolar cunts down the road can have their timpot FA cup. We will have won something they have dreamed of for over a decade.

But i just cant see it happening.
I don't give a toss if Chelsea win the double. I don't give a toss if the goons win the cup.

Levy, for all his faults (mainly when it comes to transfers) has been working hard to build this club into a world class outfit. He has, amazingly, done it on a budget without a direct billionaire owner.

Every season for the past 10-12 years, when we have taken one step back we have taken two forward. People need to stop thinking about what we haven't done and think about what we have. To finish 3rd then 2nd in two consecutive seasons is massive for us. Hell, finishing 3rd two years running is massive. Two consecutive years of Champion's League football? I remember wanking off to the idea of top six finishes under Jol. Let alone the shit I watched 20 years ago. The progress we have made is massive. The trophies WILL come.

You know, I watched a nit of arse TV last night and that uber prick DT was saying that Dele and Kane will leave and that our progression is just temporary. I think this is the biggest mistake made by both opposition fans and even our own fans. We have made steady progression over the past 15 years and the signs are that we will continue going in that direction, even if we have a few bumps along the way.

In other words, it's only a matter of time.
I don't give a toss if Chelsea win the double. I don't give a toss if the goons win the cup.

Levy, for all his faults (mainly when it comes to transfers) has been working hard to build this club into a world class outfit. He has, amazingly, done it on a budget without a direct billionaire owner.

Every season for the past 10-12 years, when we have taken one step back we have taken two forward. People need to stop thinking about what we haven't done and think about what we have. To finish 3rd then 2nd in two consecutive seasons is massive for us. Hell, finishing 3rd two years running is massive. Two consecutive years of Champion's League football? I remember wanking off to the idea of top six finishes under Jol. Let alone the shit I watched 20 years ago. The progress we have made is massive. The trophies WILL come.

You know, I watched a nit of arse TV last night and that uber prick DT was saying that Dele and Kane will leave and that our progression is just temporary. I think this is the biggest mistake made by both opposition fans and even our own fans. We have made steady progression over the past 15 years and the signs are that we will continue going in that direction, even if we have a few bumps along the way.

In other words, it's only a matter of time.
I wish I could give this two likes...

We're getting better year on year, and so none of the competitions we've been in have felt like our 'one shot' to win them. The league nor the FA Cup are comparable to if Leicester had fucked up the title last season - now that really was the only shot they had at that.

We can't shit the bed because we lost against the league leaders in the most competitive set of FA Cup semi-finals for the last ten years.
Surely by that measure, Man City should be in meltdown if United were to win the League cup and the Europa league.
I don't give a toss if Chelsea win the double. I don't give a toss if the goons win the cup.

Levy, for all his faults (mainly when it comes to transfers) has been working hard to build this club into a world class outfit. He has, amazingly, done it on a budget without a direct billionaire owner.

Every season for the past 10-12 years, when we have taken one step back we have taken two forward. People need to stop thinking about what we haven't done and think about what we have. To finish 3rd then 2nd in two consecutive seasons is massive for us. Hell, finishing 3rd two years running is massive. Two consecutive years of Champion's League football? I remember wanking off to the idea of top six finishes under Jol. Let alone the shit I watched 20 years ago. The progress we have made is massive. The trophies WILL come.

You know, I watched a nit of arse TV last night and that uber prick DT was saying that Dele and Kane will leave and that our progression is just temporary. I think this is the biggest mistake made by both opposition fans and even our own fans. We have made steady progression over the past 15 years and the signs are that we will continue going in that direction, even if we have a few bumps along the way.

In other words, it's only a matter of time.
Exactly this,we are in a far better place now than 3,4 years ago ok the winning of cups have not happened yet but progress is being made and agree levy has tottenhams best interests at heart! We shouldn't compare our selves to the chavs and goons as regards what they win or don't win,the money they spunk up against the wall in wages they should be winning something every fecking season......but they don't! Things for us ain't all that bad
Hrm. Well, I don't envy the man that will have to break this news to Joe Lewis.
I don't envy the fan that thinks he's a smart arse but does know that ENIC are only one of a 200 strong company portfolio in Tavistock Group and doesn't understand that Spurs is not Joe's only interest. He is a billionaire, but not one that can, or want to funnel his cash straight into the club. So Levy's mission statement is to make it happen in spite of any money Lewis may have.
You could see the elation in Wenger at the final whistle - he's staying

Oh absolutely, he wants to stay but he needs to justify his position and he knows the FA Cup is his best option. I mean, I haven't seen the Goons fight like that since the last NLD (you just know they'll give it their best again next weekend too....which is why I think Leicester will beat them mid-week).

I just find it really funny that half of their fans are actually pissed off that they reached the final!!
I don't envy the fan that thinks he's a smart arse but does know that ENIC are only one of a 200 strong company portfolio in Tavistock Group and doesn't understand that Spurs is not Joe's only interest. He is a billionaire, but not one that can, or want to funnel his cash straight into the club. So Levy's mission statement is to make it happen in spite of any money Lewis may have.
So? Club ownership isn't the major interest of many or even most club owners, it's just frequently the most public-facing. Clubs aren't generally profitable, they're an investment vehicle and, for many foreign owners, a good way to funnel tens of millions of dollars around without worrying about Chinese Capital Controls, for example. Joe Lewis isn't at all exceptional in that regard, he's just not a very active owner because Levy performs his role so well, and because he's a native Briton, and lastly because he's probably not laundering for a slush fund like many elite club owners could very justifiably be accused of.

Joe Lewis is absolutely one of the wealthiest club owners in the Premier League, and one that absolutely could operate in that manner if he was so inclined. He's wealthier than either the Glazers or John Henry.
So? Club ownership isn't the major interest of many or even most club owners, it's just frequently the most public-facing. Clubs aren't generally profitable, they're an investment vehicle and, for many foreign owners, a good way to funnel tens of millions of dollars around without worrying about Chinese Capital Controls, for example. Joe Lewis isn't at all exceptional in that regard, he's just not a very active owner because Levy performs his role so well, and because he's a native Briton, and lastly because he's probably not laundering for a slush fund like many elite club owners could very justifiably be accused of.

Joe Lewis is absolutely one of the wealthiest club owners in the Premier League, and one that absolutely could operate in that manner if he was so inclined. He's wealthier than either the Glazers or John Henry.
I think the point is that it is a misrepresentation to make out we are the billionaire toys that Chelsea or Man City are. We absolutely aren't. We are part of a huge portfolio and it's only smart arse bullshit like yours that presumes we are in some way comparable because the man who controls the portfolio happens to be a billionaire.
Fuck them.

An FA cup final doesn't take away from the shit storm of a season they are having. In their hearts they know that and they are still bricking it about Sunday.

Add to that Leicester, Everton and Utd still to play at home. Plus they fucking love a trip to Stoke away.

I guarantee we'll see fam / blud - wenger the fuck out, Claude having a anxiety attack on camera and Ty sipping his kool aid from his water bottle again before the end of the season.
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