England squad

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And the thing is Deuterz at leasts gives logical points and explanations, he may not be right all the time but he's not saying anything outlandish, if he thinks England have a genuine chance of winning the tournament then so what? If he thinks that England have some of the best players in the world then so what? He's right based on the talent pool we have at our disposal.

Have this every time tournaments come on, opposing fans who don't like England go fishing for opinions which fit their confirmation bias about England supporters then everyone else gets blamed and a nation gets tarred all because of a loud minority...The funny thing is that out of all the forums I've been on this is probably one of the most negative towards the NT.

I thought he was a good antidote to all the negative posts. Anyone who thinks England suddenly doesn't have great players because of some poor games in which they are being severely handicapped by the manager are far more annoying than someone who thought we are a bit better than we actually are. The guy clearly loves footy, something we all have in common here.
Deuterz Deuterz reading this thread like

And the thing is Deuterz at leasts gives logical points and explanations, he may not be right all the time but he's not saying anything outlandish, if he thinks England have a genuine chance of winning the tournament then so what? If he thinks that England have some of the best players in the world then so what? He's right based on the talent pool we have at our disposal.

Have this every time tournaments come on, opposing fans who don't like England go fishing for opinions which fit their confirmation bias about England supporters then everyone else gets blamed and a nation gets tarred all because of a loud minority...The funny thing is that out of all the forums I've been on this is probably one of the most negative towards the NT.
Deuterz was on a mixture of excitement and also on a bit of a wind up in relation to his optimism about the national team.

But why shouldn't he be allowed a bit of escapism every couple of years a tournament is on.

As you say, this happens every time a tournament is on. Fans of opposing national teams come on and tell us how bad we are, how we're arrogant and ignorant and delusional.....
And how were not as good as we think we are.

Same old same old - I've said this countless times that I find it a bit sad and bizarre that they feel the need to do this.

I couldn't imagine being an English PSG supporter and then when the Euros or World Cup come on, go on the PSG forum and tell the French fans how bad they are and how crap their national team is.

It's just a bit sad really - but each to their own.
I thought he was a good antidote to all the negative posts. Anyone who thinks England suddenly doesn't have great players because of some poor games in which they are being severely handicapped by the manager are far more annoying than someone who thought we are a bit better than we actually are. The guy clearly loves footy, something we all have in common here.

He's funny, it's like he's overly positive when it comes to England and overly negative when it comes to Spurs...probably something to do with him just talking in extremes to get his point across.
I thought he was a good antidote to all the negative posts. Anyone who thinks England suddenly doesn't have great players because of some poor games in which they are being severely handicapped by the manager are far more annoying than someone who thought we are a bit better than we actually are. The guy clearly loves footy, something we all have in common here.

The problem with Deuterz in this context is he spends every season looking down on Spurs fans for being tribal-istic, gushing over our rivals and claiming to be a true voice of objectivity; only to then turn into a tribal-ist of monstrous proportions the moment he gets a sniff of the 3 Lions.

"Anyone who thinks England suddenly doesn't have great players because of some poor games in which they are being severely handicapped by the manager are far more annoying than someone who thought we are a bit better than we actually are"

Which describes virtually no-one here (I can think of one exception).

"I thought he was a good antidote to all the negative posts."

.....Most of which you have since come to concur to as the problems being pointed out have proved undeniable at this point.

.......You won't find a single Englishman who hopes we don't do well in spite of Southgate and the problems that he's created for us with his squad selection and (complete lack of) tactics
Im not in England so I can’t really say but it definitely felt like the English media and fans were hyping up their team more than say, the French, Spanish, Germans or Portuguese were.

When I think of the English I think of a very developed sense of humour, an excellent sense of irony (like Europeans in general) and pragmatism. But before a major tournament, most of those qualities go out the window and there’s this insane rush of unbridled optimism where every reason England can win is dialled up to 10 and every reason they might not is dialled down to 1.

A more reasonable take, particularly from the media, would be to acknowledge the significant weaknesses in the squad and the team . Football is not 11 panini stickers battling it out like Pokémon. Englands issues were predictable but completely invisible pre tournament.

It’s a strange phenomenon from the outside and a bit like American bombastic naivety, leaves a large space for shadenfreude when it doesn’t work out.

For what it’s worth, I make you favourites for the final

You're always hyping up the French team, the 'Real Madrid' of international football, that's what you said.

You're a fucking troll, a tedious French one. Maybe your team will be able to score a goal from open play in the next round.

I don't think LeParisien LeParisien is a troll. He clearly loves his country, though he might over-rate France a touch. But they ultimately do have the best squad in the tournament and are as likely to win it as anyone else that's left. They've been ordinary so far, but just like England, you won't mind it if the country you support saves it's best performances for later in the tournament. If England finally win tomorrow by actually playing some good football and scoring a few goals, I wouldn't give a shit about the Slovenia game.
I don't think LeParisien LeParisien is a troll. He clearly loves his country, though he might over-rate France a touch. But they ultimately do have the best squad in the tournament and are as likely to win it as anyone else that's left. They've been ordinary so far, but just like England, you won't mind it if the country you support saves it's best performances for later in the tournament. If England finally win tomorrow by actually playing some good football and scoring a few goals, I wouldn't give a shit about the Slovenia game.
Very good post.

We’re actually in quite a similar position. We’ve yet to hit our top stride. Stats suggests we’ve been a better attacking team but when it comes to the only stat that ultimately counts, there’s not much to show for it.

Fundamentally we both have several gears that we need to find and if we can then we’ll see each other in the final. Both teams capable of getting knocked out in the next round though if we don’t improve and have a bit of bad luck.

I wouldn’t begrudge Austria or Germany or Spain the win based on what we’ve seen so far.
I’ll need to hire some Chinese backup if England and France do reach the final.

Look forward to a few Le Marseillais and Le Bordelais accounts registered from Shanghai if it comes to it.
Christ; that smug Southgate interview.......

Fans booing: "Don't care" - Vain defiance....... The fans are trying to communicate to you... You should care..... And not just cos it bruises your ego to hear it.

"We [alluding to the fans] can't [read: shouldn't] create a situ where the players are scared to make mistakes" - That's exactly what YOU'VE done; not us.

That final self-satisfied "how'd you like that zinger?" grin.

Fuck this guy!
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I thought he was a good antidote to all the negative posts. Anyone who thinks England suddenly doesn't have great players because of some poor games in which they are being severely handicapped by the manager are far more annoying than someone who thought we are a bit better than we actually are. The guy clearly loves footy, something we all have in common here.
What did he get banned for? He had strong views but I don't remember him being abusive. Seems harsh.
To be fair, we do have great players. Just as France, Germany, Portugal and Spain etc do. Living in France, I know that a lot of the French people I've spoke to had England down as one of the favourites, and still do. So not just English media or England fans. We do generally hype young players too much, too soon. But it's not a crime.

But considering Kane scored an incredible amount of goals for a Bayern team that struggled at times under Tuchel. Palmer was Chelsea's best player by a distance. Foden was City's best player. Bellingham was outstanding for Real Madrid, despite him running out of energy. I don't think anyone can accuse England fans for expecting a lot from them this tournament even under a wolly like Southgate.
Here's the thing, we could debate your first paragraph 'til the cows come home but not really sure there's any value in it. But similarly, the implications in the 2nd are up for a deeper consideration as well because the statements paper over some facts that important and would alter perception.

Kane's rate dropped off in the 2nd half (and he stupidly/selfishly hurt himself being a 'me' player instead of an 'we' player) and he's a player that has NEVER really carried England...he's just tallied the goals. It was no different with Spurs.

To me, and I watched EVERY Poch game this season, Palmer was NOT "Chelsea's best player by a distance"...most consequential and determinative, sure, but not best. Take out Jackson, Cucurella, and penalties and we're having a different conversation. But to his credit, and unlike the other two in this point, with the ball at his feet he is the only 1 of these 3 that has the ability to make things happen irrespective of what the defense is doing.

And finally, this is Bellingham without the goals. This is the AM player that does nothing in the buildup but waits for Vini (and others) to start the attack so he can creep up and tap one in. He is neutralized by lower blocks and defensive attention because as an attacking player he is unaccustomed to dealing with those situations and perhaps lack that part of his skillset.

So the perception of everyone of the players you named is blown out of proportion by club accomplishments based on the goals they've scored. The resulting belief that they would also perform the same with England is driving the despair because it drove the expectations.

But beyond the player quibbles, there is something that has been a problem with the English national team for my whole life and it was easy to predict it would be a problem in this Euros. In fact, were Deuterz Deuterz still alive on this board he could back me up here because I've been giving him the business about it all spring leading up to this...'It's the midfield, stupid' (don't take offense as that's a reference to an US election where the incumbent was focused on things that did not matter instead of the obvious thing that did).

How does England get the ball out of the MIDFIELD? When you or anyone in this thread opining on what is troubling England can answer that simple question then and only then will you be on to something. Your attacking players aren't instigators, there is NO Vini Jr to take on all comers. There is no player with the ability or the threat to open space for others to work in as all your players benefit from the space and opportunities provided from the very good teams in which they work. You see that, right?

If you accept that then you realize that your attacking play will have to be based on team play and THIS is where no-tactics Gary and NO MIDFIELD come in...but these are SECONDARY to the belief that your players are better than they are based on club goals scored.
Here's the thing, we could debate your first paragraph 'til the cows come home but not really sure there's any value in it. But similarly, the implications in the 2nd are up for a deeper consideration as well because the statements paper over some facts that important and would alter perception.

Kane's rate dropped off in the 2nd half (and he stupidly/selfishly hurt himself being a 'me' player instead of an 'we' player) and he's a player that has NEVER really carried England...he's just tallied the goals. It was no different with Spurs.

To me, and I watched EVERY Poch game this season, Palmer was NOT "Chelsea's best player by a distance"...most consequential and determinative, sure, but not best. Take out Jackson, Cucurella, and penalties and we're having a different conversation. But to his credit, and unlike the other two in this point, with the ball at his feet he is the only 1 of these 3 that has the ability to make things happen irrespective of what the defense is doing.

And finally, this is Bellingham without the goals. This is the AM player that does nothing in the buildup but waits for Vini (and others) to start the attack so he can creep up and tap one in. He is neutralized by lower blocks and defensive attention because as an attacking player he is unaccustomed to dealing with those situations and perhaps lack that part of his skillset.

So the perception of everyone of the players you named is blown out of proportion by club accomplishments based on the goals they've scored. The resulting belief that they would also perform the same with England is driving the despair because it drove the expectations.

But beyond the player quibbles, there is something that has been a problem with the English national team for my whole life and it was easy to predict it would be a problem in this Euros. In fact, were Deuterz Deuterz still alive on this board he could back me up here because I've been giving him the business about it all spring leading up to this...'It's the midfield, stupid' (don't take offense as that's a reference to an US election where the incumbent was focused on things that did not matter instead of the obvious thing that did).

How does England get the ball out of the MIDFIELD? When you or anyone in this thread opining on what is troubling England can answer that simple question then and only then will you be on to something. Your attacking players aren't instigators, there is NO Vini Jr to take on all comers. There is no player with the ability or the threat to open space for others to work in as all your players benefit from the space and opportunities provided from the very good teams in which they work. You see that, right?

If you accept that then you realize that your attacking play will have to be based on team play and THIS is where no-tactics Gary and NO MIDFIELD come in...but these are SECONDARY to the belief that your players are better than they are based on club goals scored.

Sorry mate. Usually you make some good points, but I had to stop reading when you tried to convince yourself that Palmer wasn't Chelsea's best player last season and put Jackson and Cucurella in the same sentence as him. The latter had about 4 good games, all at the back end of the season.
Deuterz was on a mixture of excitement and also on a bit of a wind up in relation to his optimism about the national team.

But why shouldn't he be allowed a bit of escapism every couple of years a tournament is on.

As you say, this happens every time a tournament is on. Fans of opposing national teams come on and tell us how bad we are, how we're arrogant and ignorant and delusional.....
And how were not as good as we think we are.

Same old same old - I've said this countless times that I find it a bit sad and bizarre that they feel the need to do this.

I couldn't imagine being an English PSG supporter and then when the Euros or World Cup come on, go on the PSG forum and tell the French fans how bad they are and how crap their national team is.

It's just a bit sad really - but each to their own.
Perhaps part of the reason is 'English'...that works on more than 1 level.
Sorry mate. Usually you make some good points, but I had to stop reading when you tried to convince yourself that Palmer wasn't Chelsea's best player last season and put Jackson and Cucurella in the same sentence as him. The latter had about 4 good games, all at the back end of the season.
Now you've confirmed something to me with this reply...as you've done this before...in your previous guise...and it was then that I put you on ignore. This is such weak shit looking for cheap internet points.

There were other points made in that post...the Chelsea points were minor and not specific to England. Your take is disingenuous. Palmer had what 11NPGs? That's a good year but is that really all that impressive? And my point was that his job was made easier because of the space that Jackson afforded him with all the work he did NOT that he was the best player as you are trying to make out.

And Cucurella did only play well in the second fcuking half of the year (injury)...but look at when Palmer notched most of his goal contributions...and this will surprise everyone...it was in the 2nd half of the year when Chelsea started cooking...he had 6G and 3A at the halfway mark!!!!

From March 2nd until the end of the season, 13 league games, Palmer had 12G and 5A in the league...March 2 being important because Cucurella returned that game week (bench) but Palmer had 1 assist in that game. His rate of return clearly improved after Cucurella's inclusion in the side as he had 10G and 6A in the 25 game weeks prior.

Nice analysis by you.

Anyone who thinks England suddenly doesn't have great players because of some poor games

I attacked this sentiment directly and you have nothing to counter it so you've taken what you think is the easy exit to save face. You should re-read and perhaps you'll stop spouting that England have "great players" while expecting everyone to ignore what we are actually witnessing.
How does England get the ball out of the MIDFIELD? When you or anyone in this thread opining on what is troubling England can answer that simple question then and only then will you be on to something. Your attacking players aren't instigators, there is NO Vini Jr to take on all comers. There is no player with the ability or the threat to open space for others to work in as all your players benefit from the space and opportunities provided from the very good teams in which they work. You see that, right?
You compress the pitch.

Defence play 20 yards further up the pitch. That reduces the distance between the 8 and 10. If he’s not prepared to make a call between Bellingham and Foden then play the former at 8 and Foden at 10. That would reduce the need for pace on the wings but would need Harry to stay high.

Alternatively, if we insist on being timid, you progress the ball out of midfield to runners off Kane. He drops, Gordon, Saka, whoever, run off him. If we wanted to play this way we should have probably taken Rashford or Sterling.

There are many ways to skin a cat. Play five at the back if needs be.
Now you've confirmed something to me with this reply...as you've done this before...in your previous guise...and it was then that I put you on ignore. This is such weak shit looking for cheap internet points.

There were other points made in that post...the Chelsea points were minor and not specific to England. Your take is disingenuous. Palmer had what 11NPGs? That's a good year but is that really all that impressive? And my point was that his job was made easier because of the space that Jackson afforded him with all the work he did NOT that he was the best player as you are trying to make out.

And Cucurella did only play well in the second fcuking half of the year (injury)...but look at when Palmer notched most of his goal contributions...and this will surprise everyone...it was in the 2nd half of the year when Chelsea started cooking...he had 6G and 3A at the halfway mark!!!!

From March 2nd until the end of the season, 13 league games, Palmer had 12G and 5A in the league...March 2 being important because Cucurella returned that game week (bench) but Palmer had 1 assist in that game. His rate of return clearly improved after Cucurella's inclusion in the side as he had 10G and 6A in the 25 game weeks prior.

Nice analysis by you.

I attacked this sentiment directly and you have nothing to counter it so you've taken what you think is the easy exit to save face. You should re-read and perhaps you'll stop spouting that England have "great players" while expecting everyone to ignore what we are actually witnessing.

There isn't a single Chelsea fan that would tell you that Palmer wasn't their best player last season. Absolutely nobody would mention Jackson or Cucurella for fucks sake. Maybe I'll give a more thorough reply when I'm not keeping an eye on the football, but without Palmer they would have been bottom half.
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