Mauricio Pochettino

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Apart from he hasn’t been significantly more supported than Poch on signings has he? When has Poch had to sell his best player for example? Where is this major net spend that he has had where Poch hasn’t? They have been largely operating in the same market as us throughout and get out with the home venue nonsense. We’ve played in front of crowds of 80k and our form at Wembley has been good so that nonsense doesn’t wash.
It seems that they have the edge on us in, both in what they are prepared to spend on wages and on agent fees.
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I very much doubt anyone has acccess to the latest figures.
Some serious anoraks round here. Don't rule it out.

It's generally accepted that we couldn't match the wages they were offering Mane.

What I like about Klopp's MO is that he seems to have a good eye for a player. He wants very dynamic players with good technique and pace. And he finds them.

And I think his philosophy is more attack-minded and more exciting than Poch's.
Some serious anoraks round here. Don't rule it out.

It's generally accepted that we couldn't match the wages they were offering Sane.

What I like about Klopp's MO is that he seems to have a good eye for a player. He wants very dynamic players with good technique and pace. And he finds them.

And I think his philosophy is more attack-minded and more exciting than Poch's.
He is unbearably irritating though.....I would gladly smash him in the face with a frying pan.
Some serious anoraks round here. Don't rule it out.

It's generally accepted that we couldn't match the wages they were offering Mane.

What I like about Klopp's MO is that he seems to have a good eye for a player. He wants very dynamic players with good technique and pace. And he finds them.

And I think his philosophy is more attack-minded and more exciting than Poch's.

There is a difference between couldn’t and wouldn’t. Both clubs financial capacity are relatively comparable - more so with the new stadium. Klopp is clearly a very good manager - he must be having to work with a midfield of Henderson and Milner and their back line and goalkeeper in that time.
There is a difference between couldn’t and wouldn’t. Both clubs financial capacity are relatively comparable - more so with the new stadium. Klopp is clearly a very good manager - he must be having to work with a midfield of Henderson and Milner and they back line and goalkeeper in that time.
No way, man. Liverpool's revenue stream (or whatever it's called) is substantially greater than ours.

Milner is better than a lot of our midfielders.
Not up-to-the-minute figures, I know. They are for the 2016-2017 season.
Premier League finances: the full club-by-club breakdown and verdict
Accounts for the year to 31 May 2017
Turnover £364m (5th highest in the league)
Wages £208m (4th highest, 57% of turnover)
Profit before tax £40m (follows £20m loss in 2016)

Fenway Sports Group, registered in the USA as NESV I, LLC, of which John W Henry is the principal shareholder.

Gate and matchday income £74m
TV and broadcasting £154m
Commercial activities £136m
Net debt Not stated; bank loan £72m; £130m owed to FSG
Interest payable £7m
Highest-paid director Unnamed, £914,000

State they’re in Rebuilt, and beginning to approach the intentions John Henry and his FSG co-investors had for Liverpool when they bought a crisis-stricken club in 2010. The owners reversed planned ticket price increasesafter a walkout by protesting fans, and match-day income still increased £11m because of the opening of Anfield’s new main stand. FSG loaned £110m at 1.24% interest for its construction, and Liverpool also invested in players – the accounts note £146m net spend in the summer of 2017.

Tottenham Hotspur
Accounts for the year to 30 June 2017
Turnover £306m (6th highest in league)
Wages £127m (6th highest, 42% of turnover)
Profit before tax £58m (up from £38m in 2016)

Ownership Enic International Limited, registered in the Bahamas (tax haven), owns 85.55% of Spurs. Joe Lewis, resident in the Bahamas, has the controlling 70.6% ownership of Enic; trusts of which chairman Daniel Levy and family are the beneficiaries own the other 29.41%.
Match receipts £45m
TV and media £150m
All commercial activities £73m
Uefa prize money £38m
Net debt Stated as a positive, £15m more cash in the bank than the bank loans of £185m
Interest payable £13m
Highest-paid director £6m paid to Daniel Levy
State they’re in Significant overachievement by Mauricio Pochettino and his young team, finishing second in 2016-17 with a turnover and wage bill held down to 42% of turnover, the sixth highest in the league. Owners Joe Lewis and Daniel Levy – who was paid a £6m salary – have based their plan for progress on the new White Hart Lane stadium, but as David Hytner reported in April, that is a very costly project. These accounts note a £400m bank loan facility taken out in May 2017 to fund it, of which £152m had been borrowed.
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No way, man. Liverpool's revenue stream (or whatever it's called) is substantially greater than ours.

Milner is better than a lot of our midfielders.

Manchester United’s is substantially greater than ours theirs is not - we have the capacity to bridge this with the new stadium. We are both tier 2 clubs who both follow the same model.
My only stance is:

Spurs aren’t playing very good football.
Signings and injuries aside, we are not playing very good football.
We are woeful in the final third.
We don’t press.
I have no confidence that we can score any time right up until the 90th minute and beyond.
I’ve lost all confidence that even at 2-0 up, we should be ok.
I don’t think Poch is happy.
I don’t think the players are happy.

All the things Poch brought to the club, and the stability and confidence looks a little shakey right now.
I won’t be shocked if Poch walks, where as this time last year it would have left me stunned.

Now, people can talk about not signing Grealish etc as the root of all our problems, but you’re an intelligent and passionate fan, and surely you must share at least some of the concerns I listed above.

You were very clear to define what came out of Pochs mouth yesterday. Well he also said “I’ve never felt worse in my time here” despite the points tally.

So it’s not about Matt Law maybe or maybe not jumping on an opportunity to kick Spurs. I’ve defended Spurs all summer against the majority of this forum....just find it rich that as soon as I have complaint, everyone is the biggest and most pro THFC poster in the world suddenly.

Someone called Levy a bald Jewish cunt yesterday. And got less stick than me for saying Poch has a part in our poor style of play.

Says it all.
Mate, always like you as a poster, you have the bottle to put your opinion out there and defend it passionately, whilst some that attack you bottle putting theirs out there in fear of not being able to defend it.

We agree on something’s and disagree on others and at no time has it ever become personal. I like that, it’s how it should be.

We aren’t playing well, this is clear. I also haven’t seen anyone say something to the contrary of this. So, it’s about looking at why aren’t we playing well, I will not list what they are again but in my previous posts they are all there, I think they are all valid, even if each element is a very small factor then add them up and accumulative of them makes for one big reason as to some of the problems we have faced and over come.

Now had our more recent games, ironically those that we have lost, not shown an improvement in how we are playing, then I would be more sceptical on what we are going to do this year. But I think we are starting to look much, much better.

I do not think we will be at the same level as we were perhaps two years ago, I say this because it’s still a massive ask of this team (& club as a whole) to maintain our levels of performance with the shear volume of problems we are being asked to overcome. Bigger than that is that our rivals have none of these issues to deal with. I think this part is huge, if building a stadium takes away 10% of the focus of the club (I think it's significantly more than that!!!), whilst they remain 100% focused we have half an arm tied behind our backs before we've kicked a ball. For further comparison Woolwich were Champions when they broke-ground on building their stadium, they haven't come close for 15years. They weren't able to compete the way we have whilst building their place, they declined whilst we have improved in the same period. THIS IS THE MEASURE HOW WELL POCH IS DOING, IT"S LIKE FOR LIKE.

None of our rivals are focused on building a stadium whilst competing for titles and CL, Let alone the fact that over the last 3 years the team that did finish higher than us didn’t even have European football to contest!!!!

This team is fucking brilliant, lose the issues that we are fighting, put ourselves on an equal footing to our rivals (not even talking about revenues here), that’s football conditions then just watch us go.

We have a fight to keep Poch as he is converted by 2 of the 3 largest Clubs in World football. He’s converted by them because it’s crystal clear of the job that he is doing here, EVEN MORE SO because of a) the condition of the club when he joined and b) the difficulties he’s had to navigate whilst competing at the top end of the league and CL. Madrid doesn’t look like a great option right now but his ego might tell him that he can rebuild Madrid??? Utd are in a bad place too but where they differ from Madrid is they have the money to throw at the problems, would this appeal to Poch? I’ve no idea. Or does he stay with us and continue to build and create Tottenham in his image, make it his own like Ferguson and Wegner did for their clubs? Again I don’t know.

I love the bloke and he’s outperform some of the best managers in the world with less than half the resources available to him and without the full support of the club, who are busy distracted building the best stadium in the world for him to put his team out onto.

Judge like for like, judge our first 10 games against the first 10 games of previous seasons, we are better. And now I think our performances are improving too.
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