Palace v Spurs 11th Sept 12:30 - Selhurst Park

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I know its popular to cunt of Kane these days but just wondered from those cunting him off what he could do? He got passed the ball about 4 times all game and always miles from the Palace goal.
I wasn't at the match but whenever the camera was on him he was chasing the usual lost causes and clearly fucking knackered from that cunt Southgate playing him for a full 90 2 days before he had a Premier League game.
The fact is the tactics and selection were all wrong from Nuno and the individual errors which plagued us all of last season came back in spades today.

If you are going to not play the game in the oppositions half then Kane is going to live off scraps, he doesn't have the pace to play on the break and needs to be in and around the oppositions box to be effective.

I just don't see it
Today was the worse I have seen Harry play. Not slagging him off, just stating a fact as I saw it. Im sure it wasn’t due to poor application but he just lumbered around the pitch and there were no glimpses of the class that he undoubtedly has. Must have been knackered after the internationals or carrying an injury. Pray he’s different against the Chavs.
so Son plays for England?
A valid point but that's a different context and level of competition. I could say something similar in regard to Son (that being on the field with Kane lifts his game). It's not a criticism of Kane just an observation that his style of play is more effective on the transition and having Son around creates more opportunity for him.
He was never particularly quick, but he has lost a lot of pace. I was looking at his PL goals from the 16/17 season last night, and the difference is quite stark.

The reason Kane is dropping deep is because he is looking for space. He has said this himself. Why is he looking for space? Because it is very easy for CBs to mark a guy who doesn't have a burst of pace, among other things.
Been trying to get Igula Igula to see this for a couple years now. Once folks recognize he no longer can get that half-step to clear for a shot they will better understand what we are actually playing with up top. Oh well.
Don't tag me again minnow fish.
There's a reason why Liverpool and United and Chelsea and City win heaps and we win nothing.

They all add quality players, and when they fall short... Add some more. Win a CL title.. Sign Lukaku.
Win the league. Get Grealish and chase Kane. Fall just short. Get Allison and Van Dijk. Finish 2nd. Get Varane, Sancho and Ronaldo.

So long as we have 1-2 world class players, and our fans accept them moving on as "they deserve to win things" then we will continue to be a selling club that wins SFA and hovers around mid table.

Selling Kane is utterly moronic thing to advocate. He wants to leave because we aren't good enough for him. Hint hint THFC.. Buy players that make him want to stay, that makes him think he can win trophies here.

But the ultimate hilarity of your melting today is you are talking about strikers, and waffling on about Edouard being cheap yet we lost because we played 3 CDM's and had zero creativity. We have a world class centre forward and had what? 2-3 shots. Supply from midfield was clearly the issue today.
Great post.
Today was the worse I have seen Harry play. Not slagging him off, just stating a fact as I saw it. Im sure it wasn’t due to poor application but he just lumbered around the pitch and there were no glimpses of the class that he undoubtedly has. Must have been knackered after the internationals or carrying an injury. Pray he’s different against the Chavs.
Kane’s passing was off and his hold up play sub-par, but what else was there for him to feed off? I can’t remember any chances made for him. Our forward play was terrible.
Today was abject, yes... awful... totally unessesary performance that makes me question our mental strength (again)

BUT..... as I often try to do, is take our first 4 games into consideration....
Swap today with the Mnan City game (ie: we LOSE against City, as many would have feared) but WON today (as many expected) and we're STILL on 9 points... which, after 4 games, I'd take TBH.

TRYING to Look on the bright side... but today was fucking awful.... KEITH HARRIS AND AWFUL!!

The fact CCV has scores for Celtic only rubs salt in.... but fuck it, had we won 25-0 today, the headlines, and first up on MOTD would STILL have been Ronanchester Utaldo fuck it. Let's stay under the radar. A good day to bury bad news (as the awful, infamous quote goes... 20 years ago today!)
This might be unpopular, but I felt that Tanganga was a little lucky not get a straight red for that on Zaha. I thought the second was a foul, but not a yellow, but the first could’ve been red because of the hand to the face.
In that case they would both have to go because Zaha put his hand on Tanganga's face in the retaliation.
JT should have dropped to the floor clutching his face.
Rudiger did.
He also played the racism card.... which I hope/assume OUR JT would never do!

Ironic that his initials are JT....
Reckon one day in the future we'll have a "JT: CAPTAIN, LEADER, LEGEND, YID" flag somewhere in the ground....?
I've said this all season, but our results and performances have been worryingly close to those of AVBs infamous second season.
Narrow, barely interesting 1-0 wins and then out of nowhere, get utterly trashed by a supposedly 2nd rate team. That season it was West Ham, this season it's obviously Palace.
The twatting came a little earlier than that season.

I said this at the time he was appointed, but I suspect Nuno will be gone before Christmas.
Whilst it's certainly not all his fault, he's being made to play the same shite as the last two coaches, he showed today he has no idea what to do when the plan isn't working. He did nothing to stem the tide against Wolves either.
Emerson can’t be worse than Aurier or Donkerty.
Only reason Gill isn’t in the 11 is because of a fraudulent, defensive manager, nothing to do with ability

Those two players are regular internationals. I'm certainly not a fan of Doherty but Aurier is a decent player in 8 out of 10 matches.

For all we know, Royal could be an utter waste of space. I won't write him off after today as everyone was donky shit bad but let's not assume the grass is greener.
Funny thing is I’ve actually been really encouraged by the performances of all our CBs this season.

Dier before going off was dominating benteke and I thought Japh was also really good before the red. Rodon too came on and did well.
I feel we do actually now have a decent range of CBs

Lo celso and Romero and Dav. will have to be ready to go for Chelsea because we’ll have little other choice
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