Summer 2018 transfer window

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Another bullet dodged.

Eh, I think he could have been useful to platoon with Foyth for the 3rd CB position in a back 3.
Assuming Toby leaves, we still need to sign somebody in CB, unless we are planning on more heavily using Dier as a CB. Even then, we'd only have 4 CBs on our depth chart, one of which is also on our CM depth chart, meaning need to sign two CMs if we are also selling Dembele.
If we are planning on promoting CCV, that could work also, although it'd be pretty underwhelming after all this talk of a big transfer window.
Thats it. Im done.

Where is the pleading?
That was last summer mate. But you agree these quotes prove he was frustrated at the way last summers transfer panned out?
At the time you and others refused to accept it. I'm not trying to score points or anything, but sometimes its just as well to admit you were wrong. I do, regularly.
That was last summer mate. But you agree these quotes prove he was frustrated at the way last summers transfer panned out?
At the time you and others refused to accept it. I'm not trying to score points or anything, but sometimes its just as well to admit you were wrong. I do, regularly.
Quotes from last summer?

We didn't refuse to accept Poch was frustrated with how last summer's transfers would have been better being done early. Everyone, to a man/woman, said a full preseason is always optimal. We refused your suggestion that it was all Levy's fault and Poch was laying all the blame at Levy's door and pleading or that he didn't like the transfers we brought in.
Do you agree this shows he was frustrated with the way we conducted our transfer business?

See. This is you assuming he means us.

Quote from the article you posted...

“We tried to make early signings last summer but we could not''

So the intent is there. From Levy, from Poch, from the club. You're just assuming and reading between the lines that he is berating us all the time.

For a fan, you're very eager to lay absolutely everything at Tottenham's door. There is far more to a transfer than simply Levy and Poch. Which you've been told over and over.

It shows something that you immediately resort to pissing on our chips before anyone elses.
Eh, I think he could have been useful to platoon with Foyth for the 3rd CB position in a back 3.
Assuming Toby leaves, we still need to sign somebody in CB, unless we are planning on more heavily using Dier as a CB. Even then, we'd only have 4 CBs on our depth chart, one of which is also on our CM depth chart, meaning need to sign two CMs if we are also selling Dembele.
If we are planning on promoting CCV, that could work also, although it'd be pretty underwhelming after all this talk of a big transfer window.

With CVV, Dier (stand in) Sanchez, Jan and Foyth you now want to add another?

Whilst up front we have Kane and in an emergency Son.

Makes sense i guess.
Off ignore, on ignore, off, on, off , on..
Do you agree this shows he was frustrated with the way we conducted our transfer business? Or were his words lost in translation?

Sorry, i was responding to your original overblown melodramatic statement, not the disingenuously revised, watered down post-fail version.
Sorry, i was responding to your original overblown melodramatic statement, not the disingenuously revised, watered down post-fail version.
You don't need to keep apologising to me Airfixx Airfixx . Its ok, really. Its just a forum. I just cant understand why you keep claiming to have me on ignore when its quite clear you enjoy engaging with me. Or can't help taking a sneaky little peak at my posts.
With CVV, Dier (stand in) Sanchez, Jan and Foyth you now want to add another?

Whilst up front we have Kane and in an emergency Son.

Makes sense i guess.

No I was saying we still need to add another CB unless we are promoting CCV.
Only 4 CBs would leave us a bit short of being able to play a back 3 regularly. I thought we did very well with a back 3 so am wondering why we would want to scrap it unless we needed to. We're also assuming that Foyth is ready to step in a play a lot of games for us. While it could work out, we could be in a really tough spot if it turns out hes not ready for prime time in the prem. If that were the case, I'd feel a lot better having a vet like Evans on hand.

Dier being one of those 4 CBs would probably mean we would need to provide more depth in CM in case of a long-term injury in the back which would take Dier out of the CM mix. CCV is a bit underwhelming right now. I'm not sure he will develop very much at all if his game time is limited to being a 5th choice CB.

This has nothing to do with backup striker stuff though. I'm comfortable with Son acting as a false 9 in a ST backup role, but others seem to think we should have a dedicated backup ST. I guess I'm ok with either, just not sure it is as high of a priority as sorting out CM.
Nope, he's shite John. I don't flip flop, he'll be shite if he signs. He'll be shite if he doesn't.
That's fair enough mate. I was generalising the forum, not referring to you explicitly. For what it's worth, I actually think Grealish is a decent player.
Get it done Levy!!!
You don't need to keep apologising to me Airfixx Airfixx . Its ok, really. Its just a forum. I just cant understand why you keep claiming to have me on ignore when its quite clear you enjoy engaging with me. Or can't help taking a sneaky little peak at my posts.

Indeed, waaaay too complex for your little 'brain' to fathom... I'm sure.

Shame really, if the majority of the forum didn't see you as an annoying little WUM, you'd probably be able to be-friend one of the more saintly members and they could explain shit for you until it finally sank in(*)...
Regarding Grealish. as a Villa fan himself the fans absolutely adore him, what Ive seen of him he could do a job in the prem but not sure he is a top table champions lge type player
No thanks on Grealish for me. Hes ok but I think we should really be aiming for better.
Maddison would be much preferable except for his obviously disqualifying social media nightmares.
See. This is you assuming he means us.

Quote from the article you posted...

“We tried to make early signings last summer but we could not''
But the other 19 clubs could.
Look, unless he comes straight out and calls his boss a tight fisted, profiteering, foot dragging, barrel scraping poisenous little shit-bag your'e never gonna accept he shows any frustration with his paymasters approach to the transfer window, so on this particular issue I'll allow you to feel the winner. It's a debate you'll never lose.
Just to say you know damn well there were scores of people on here last summer claiming we didnt need new signings and that Pochettino was happy with the squad, when it's now become crystal clear that he wasn't.
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