Summer 2018 transfer window

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I said Pochettino was not happy with his squad as the transfer window was in progress, while many on here claimed he was and we didn't need any new signings. Your telling fibs.
But you Win, I lose. SchmoodSpur SchmoodSpur is always right.
Oh, so you've moved the goalposts. So when you initially said Poch said in January he wasn't happy, you actually meant he wasn't happy in August. So why did you post articles from December saying he claimed he was unhappy with his squad?

What many on here actually said was...IF we weren't to make any signings we had a strong enough squad to compete, just like we had the season before, and the season before that. Everyone likes signings, but luckily we have a wonderful squad all the same. Additions or no additions.

I say the same right now. If we keep this exact squad, with no signings we'll be just fine. Does that mean I don't want signings? No it doesn't. And it's exactly the same thing that was said last year and the year before that.

It's not about me being right mate. Poch said he was happy with his squad. You said it was crystal clear he wasn't. So you're calling Poch a liar.
So again you have the to claim to speak for the majority of the forum....The arrogance is unbelievable, even for you.

Nah, look around, with regards to you, the forum speaks for itself... Evidently.

Off, you pop... Don't let me disturb the joyous banter you're enjoying with the rest of the gang right now.

I don't know why John Thomas John Thomas has got so upset simply because I posted Pochettino quotes.

Well, there is one explanation.
Im not upset at all. His quotes unequivocally proved you wrong in every instance. But you twist his words to fit your narrative and make me out a liar.
I guess you're feeling a little sorry for yourself though now as you've landed another yellow card.
Im not upset at all. His quotes unequivocally proved you wrong in every instance. But you twist his words to fit your narrative and make me out a liar.
I guess you're feeling a little sorry for yourself though now as you've landed another yellow card.
Considering I got the card 30 seconds ago I'm not sure how my posts before that were influenced by that. Unless you're saying I can predict the future?

His quotes unequivocally prove me wrong?

Spursdem - I am happy with our squad. I'd like new signings though.

Mauricio Pochettino - I am happy with our squad. I'd like new signings though.
Im not upset at all. His quotes unequivocally proved you wrong in every instance. But you twist his words to fit your narrative and make me out a liar.
I guess you're feeling a little sorry for yourself though now as you've landed another yellow card.

"Thanks Janice...Now back to JT for the remainder of the FAKE NEWS."
Back on ignore then am I? :disdain:

Not this second... No.

Shall we see if Case can knock up a manual for you....?
Mauricio Pochettino - I am happy with my squad.

John Thomas - It is crystal clear Poch was unhappy with his squad.

Considering I got the card 30 seconds ago I'm not sure how my posts before that were influenced by that. .
No. Influenced by the numerous posters on here you endlessly patronise, make out as liars, or simply shit on every single post you personally disagree with. Nothing to do with me per se. I'm just another of your many adversaries, even though I have no wish to be .
I predict this thread will gradually build to a magnificent crescendo. TFC forum members on deadline day:

You will not be let down....:walker:

WAIIIIT just a second...... "Deadline Day"... Is that like some veiled anti-Levy shit????

Put your pint down, ya fanny... It's clobberin' time! :lamelaaghh:
So you are saying we should have sold Bale to Manutd and Modric to Chelsea if the highest bid was theirs instead of Real Madrid? That would have made both of them so much better. Lets make it that much more difficult to finish above them. Great choice.

If they would be gone the following year for 25 million and refused to sign for Madrid or whoever else? Then yes. Yes I fucking would, because I know replacing them for 80/40 million is a lot fucking easier than replacing them for 25 million.

If Real match the Toby bid and Toby wants to go there, I'm all for selling him abroad. You act like I want to sell him to a rival. I don't, but if it's in our best interest and our only option other than "force him to stay" then I can realistically accept why it's happened.

However what the post you quoted clearly stated is that if Madrid and PSG and Barca and Bayern all have bids accepted for Toby and he turns around and says "thanks for the offers but I'd rather go to United." Then we can't fucking force him to sign for PSG.

I'm almost a little embarrassed that I've had to explain that to you since everyone else seemed to understand it just fine though.
No. Influenced by the numerous posters on here you endlessly patronise, make out as liars, or simply shit on every single post you personally disagree with. Nothing to do with me per se. I'm just another of your many adversaries, even though I have no wish to be .
Considering this is my first extended conversation in this thread for about 6 weeks and you're still in here getting butthurt and arguing with other posters I suggest you look at yourself too.

You aren't an adversary. You're just wrong. Don't elevate a simple debate to some personal shit. I haven't got personal with you like you have in this debate. And you end it with jumping on your high horse?

You're just wrong John. Like you were last summer and the summer before that and the one before that. Don't take it so to heart.
No. Influenced by the numerous posters on here you endlessly patronise, make out as liars, or simply shit on every single post you personally disagree with. Nothing to do with me per se. I'm just another of your many adversaries, even though I have no wish to be .

You accuse me of all those things too and I've never been on a card, so how does that work?

Back to the drawing board, JT.... In fact why don't we get you a little bench and leave it there... I'll bring your crayons over for you.
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