The new poch out poll

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Poch out?

  • Yes poch out

    Votes: 172 44.6%
  • No poch stays

    Votes: 214 55.4%

  • Total voters
No but you could try answering the question. How much more time ?
11 defeats in 23 league matches with 6 victories in that time against Southampton, Palace x2, Villa, Huddersfield and Brighton.
setting a drop dead date is foolish
seeing an improvement, reaching previous standards, bettering them is the direction I want to see, and if it's taking too long then it's time to hit the trapdoor switch.

Poch out banner which was stolen by Red Star ultras before the game. My initial thought was that it seems crazy to go all that way if you're not going to support the team, though I suppose the person with the banner believes that is the best way to support Spurs. It doesn't exactly reflect well on the owner; not that it was stolen, but to get a banner made and taken to Belgrade in the (expectation? Hope?) that we would lose and then it can be shown. I always felt that away games (particularly in Europe) were for continuous support and it was home games which were more for 'airing our dirty laundry in public' if necessary. Away support that turns on the players just looks muggy; see Woolwich fans. Anyway, I'm glad we won and hope things still work out with Poch.

Which is pretty funny when there are a group of happy clapper fans accusing everyone who wants Poch out of not going to games and being plastic.

How many of them were in Serbia the other night then?
setting a drop dead date is foolish
seeing an improvement, reaching previous standards, bettering them is the direction I want to see, and if it's taking too long then it's time to hit the trapdoor switch.

I respect that your opinion is different to mine. I genuinely hope your faith is rewarded. Nobody particularly likes change and like you I can remember crap dull times with Gerry Francis amongst others. But from memory he had players like Andy Sinton, Ruel Fox, Colin Calderwood and Jason Dozzell. Poch has Kane, Son, Eriksen, Ali, Alderweireld etc. He must do better and fast.
Which is pretty funny when there are a group of happy clapper fans accusing everyone who wants Poch out of not going to games and being plastic.

How many of them were in Serbia the other night then?
I didn't go to Belgrade this time but been to all our other recent aways and I would say at least 80% of fans are pro-Poch. So I would bet the vast majority of the fans out there, including some people I know were there, are pro-Poch.
It's great to see us destroy Red Star, but I'm not changing how I feel until we get some form in the league. If we are going to catch up to the top 6, this weekend's game against Sheffield United is one we have to win.

The performances in league have to be there to make me switch.

But more importantly, I need to see positivity and a smile from Poch. He still looks so beat up. I need to see a firm game plan without his wishy washy tactics.

I also need to see a plan for youth. We CANNOT go about fucking with kids futures by hiding them in our senior squad.
I didn't go to Belgrade this time but been to all our other recent aways and I would say at least 80% of fans are pro-Poch. So I would bet the vast majority of the fans out there, including some people I know were there, are pro-Poch.

Not the point. It’s not about what the majority wants.
I’m talking about armchair fans claiming only plastics want Poch out, when 20% of those in Belgrade wanted Poch out....

And claiming twitter is the credible voice of the football fan
Everybody forgets....... that we were outside of the big 4 before Poch came (Sure, we made it in once in a while here and there but never consistently)

Remember, he nearly went 2 seasons without buying any players and still kept us in the UCL.

World Class Manager!!!
Not the point. It’s not about what the majority wants.
I’m talking about armchair fans claiming only plastics want Poch out, when 20% of those in Belgrade wanted Poch out....

And claiming twitter is the credible voice of the football fan
Well, I agree not only armchair fans/plastics want Poch out, I don't think anyone is claiming that. But I'd say that among the hardcore it's 80-20 and among the armchair 60-40 or 58-42 as in this poll.
setting a drop dead date is foolish
seeing an improvement, reaching previous standards, bettering them is the direction I want to see, and if it's taking too long then it's time to hit the trapdoor switch.

Not meant as a drop dead date Mick but if we enter the New Year still 11th or lower in this league would you perhaps recognise then that we may need to make a managerial change in order to get out of the slump or does he need the full season and January / Summer windows to turn things around ?
Well, I agree not only armchair fans/plastics want Poch out, I don't think anyone is claiming that. But I'd say that among the hardcore it's 80-20 and among the armchair 60-40 or 58-42 as in this poll.

Well I’m not sure how you gauge an 80-20 from going to away games unless you talk to at least three quarters of the away end.

Lots of people singing He’s Magic doesn’t really say much.

Personally, not at you, but I find it a little elitist that the “real support” back Poch.
I see absolutely no difference with playing the diamond and Sanchez at RB if you are in the ground or on your sofa.

I don’t see that going to away games for 11 months and seeing us take 2pts in that period makes you want Poch more.

I just don’t buy it, sorry.
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