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Who has the better set of chompers; Klopp or Suarez?
didnt he just only join this last summer??
Yeah, I didn't follow the whole story but was a temporary role I think. They've not been able to replace Edwards. I would love to know the whole story here, as I've always slightly sided with the view that Klopp is a good recruiter and Edwards was given most of the credit for their recruitment. My view (a total piece of guesswork) is that he wasn't as good as he was made out to be, my only reason for this is, that Edwards was at Liverpool before Klopp and no one was waxing lyrical about his recruitment then, it only happened after Klopp arrived.

That said, I think there are some rightful question marks on some of their recent recruitment post-Edwards.
Even if he is clearly a polarising guy. The league will be worse off without him as a brand. The league has been built on his rivalry with Pep for almost a decade.

With Pep possibly going if City get punished for their financial crimes we may be looking at a completely different league landscape.
Away from Liverpool, I’ve seen him being interviewed and listened to his views on the game, for example football funding, giving fans a voice, players long term welfare and so on and he comes across as sensible and reasonable and it’s hard to disagree with much of what he says. However, put him in the technical area while managing Liverpool and he’s a 24k cunt.

His constant berating of referees coupled with that mocking grin when decisions go against him, his sarcastic clapping at referee decisions, his non stop ear bending of the fourth official etc etc. He can fuck off. The only thing I’ll miss— is him going properly apoplectic on the touch line causing him to gurn like an idiot or pull a hamstring. Quality moments.

On the plus side I can devote pretty much all of my contempt to Lego man now and won’t have to divide any of it with Klopp.
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