Jose Mourinho

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and if you think we have the same quality of players in midfield and defence like city and liverpool, then you need to stick with watching badminton

I never said we did.

That is irrelevant to what we are talking about though and just you moving the goalposts/changing the talking point because you can't defend Jose any other way.
He wasn’t ‘forced on him’ to the extent that he was told there were no funds available to sign a first choice replacement. Hence us taking the usual punt on a cheap back up alternative - Rodon.

And if you are talking about making stuff up we went deep down the Skriniar transfer talks so not sure the funds weren't available angle is true at all.

That also ignores that we could have got better CB's for less money than what it would have cost for Skriniar anyways.
Poch was great, but there's a difference between managing Spurs and managing a team with Neymar and Mbappe. We had lots of class players but those two are potentially top 5 itw.
The irony, of course, is that if Mourinho was managing PSG and they were winning he'd get all the credit. But with Poch it's just because of the players.
What are you talking about?

I am not making Jose responsible for everything I am saying he wanted Dier. That is far from making him responsible for everything.

I am not making anything up about Jose wanting Dier either, he said it. Jose said he wanted him when he was at United and that when he came here Dier was the only Spur that played the way he wanted. There is nothing invented about that.

And yes I think we need two new CB's not sure what that has to do with Jose saying he wanted Dier before he came here and that once he was here that Dier played the game the way he wanted.
Here’s what I’m talking about.

You have Jose Derangement Syndrome and you can’t see the wood for the trees. You act as if he’s some imposter that has come into our club, held everyone hostage and is forcing others to do his bidding.

None of us know the reality of what’s going on behind the scenes. What I suspect is that Levy is a clever bastard and, despite scrimping (relative) on transfer fees, he always pays his managers well, to keep them onside. I suspect that Jose was informed there would be very little in the way of significant transfer dealings, certainly not to the level he’s used to, and that whilst our squad was not necessarily a turd, it still had some flaws, which he would have to get round creatively. Levy thought he was getting an alchemist that would provide the proverbial gold.

Our main flaw is our defence.

Jose came out and said some positive stuff about Dier and you’re taking that as out and our delight at having Eric here and not wanting to change a thing. He also said very nice things about Dele too.

Jose has served up some fucking awful football and that first half against Chelsea was a sackable offence.

But he ain’t guilty for our ageing, bloated squad. That’s on Levy.
Here’s what I’m talking about.

You have Jose Derangement Syndrome and you can’t see the wood for the trees. You act as if he’s some imposter that has come into our club, held everyone hostage and is forcing others to do his bidding.

None of us know the reality of what’s going on behind the scenes. What I suspect is that Levy is a clever bastard and, despite scrimping (relative) on transfer fees, he always pays his managers well, to keep them onside. I suspect that Jose was informed there would be very little in the way of significant transfer dealings, certainly not to the level he’s used to, and that whilst our squad was not necessarily a turd, it still had some flaws, which he would have to get round creatively. Levy thought he was getting an alchemist that would provide the proverbial gold.

Our main flaw is our defence.

Jose came out and said some positive stuff about Dier and you’re taking that as out and our delight at having Eric here and not wanting to change a thing. He also said very nice things about Dele too.

Jose has served up some fucking awful football and that first half against Chelsea was a sackable offence.

But he ain’t guilty for our ageing, bloated squad. That’s on Levy.

You are reading way too much into what you think I think and not reading anything that I actually say.

I have never once said Jose is holding anyone hostage and forced people to do his bidding. I have never implied it, which is why you are not quoting any posts of mine in which I say or imply it. You are making that up out of thin air.

What I am saying is that Jose has said he wanted Dier when he was at United, said that Dier was the only player that played like he wanted. Now that could have been all lies by Jose but there is really no reason for us to think that. Dier is the type of player that Jose has liked in the past, fits in to how he says he wants to play football and then he overplayed him and had him as one of the first names on his team sheet since he has been there. Even more reason to think that Jose wasn't lying.

The idea that Jose did not want or like Dier is insane. There is so much evidence to show that is the case and almost nothing to indicate that it isn't. You need to take huge leaps of logic to think he didn't actually want Dier.

No Jose isn't responsible for our aging bloated squad and I have never said he was. But he is responsible for his poor use of the players that we do have and the squad does not give him a pass on the terrible tactics and football he has used since he has been here.
I never said we did.

That is irrelevant to what we are talking about though and just you moving the goalposts/changing the talking point because you can't defend Jose any other way.
It is not just relevant but the main point cos our poor defence and weak midfield is why our ball retention is so poor and our attackers have to defend and drop deep as much as they do.

It is clear that you hate Jose and are incapable of being objective on anything slightly related to him. For someone that hates Jose so much, you spend quite the time thinking and talking about him. Its simply amazing how you try to manipulate even remote topics into a rallying cry for your anti-mourinho crusade.
Certainly agree he was backed. Hojberg feels like a Jose signing (although we were linked before his arrival) as was Dogherty. Don’t think he had much to do with Bale and Lord knows what the deal
with Vinicius. Also think Stevie was someone we had been working on for years.

I personally think Jose would love to replace Dier and Sanchez. He’d take, for example, Skriniar in a shot.

We just don’t have the money and our squad is bloated. That’s nothing to do with Jose.
Jose was public about where his immediate priorities lay. Eriksen along with Toby and Dire was what he wanted. (Eriksen was obviously determined to make his move but he strutted around like a peacock when both Dier and Toby signed. (FWIW I think Dier is OK and I was glad he signed a new deal with us, I also think in a "normal" team, that's to say one that plays a bit of football rather than spends most of the game spend with our backs to the wall that people wouldn't be chucking rocks at him. But I was all for Toby to leave, who has been brilliant for us but was completly clear he was on a big decline).

The point is had Jose let Toby leave and sold Dier he would have freed up £225k in salary that could go towards paying the salaries of new CB's. I don't know what we would have got for Dier, the market is somewhat fucked, but I'd guess it would have been in the region of what it would have cost to bring in Skriniar. If he didn't want Sanchez he could have sold or loaned him out, he didn't, there was zero discussion about him leaving, so one can assume he was and has been in his plans.

He didn't rate Foyth, probably hasn't seen anything of CCV so went with advice to keep him on out on loan).

That's how building a squad works and the manager builds his squad from the pieces he has and from those he doesn't want.

We have 8 players on our first-team books that can play CB (Toby, Dier, Sanchez, Foyth, Tanganga, Davies, Rondon & CCV), there are loads of options for Jose to take, he could sell all of these if he wanted to. It is his job, he's the manager.
The irony, of course, is that if Mourinho was managing PSG and they were winning he'd get all the credit. But with Poch it's just because of the players.
You can get a monkey to manage PSG and still get the same result. Just like the prime Bayern team have strong mentality and that translated to results. Get Guardiola to manage Spurs now and see what results he will get.
Jose was public about where his immediate priorities lay. Eriksen along with Toby and Dire was what he wanted. (Eriksen was obviously determined to make his move but he strutted around like a peacock when both Dier and Toby signed. (FWIW I think Dier is OK and I was glad he signed a new deal with us, I also think in a "normal" team, that's to say one that plays a bit of football rather than spends most of the game spend with our backs to the wall that people wouldn't be chucking rocks at him. But I was all for Toby to leave, who has been brilliant for us but was completly clear he was on a big decline).

The point is had Jose let Toby leave and sold Dier he would have freed up £225k in salary that could go towards paying the salaries of new CB's. I don't know what we would have got for Dier, the market is somewhat fucked, but I'd guess it would have been in the region of what it would have cost to bring in Skriniar. If he didn't want Sanchez he could have sold or loaned him out, he didn't, there was zero discussion about him leaving, so one can assume he was and has been in his plans.

He didn't rate Foyth, probably hasn't seen anything of CCV so went with advice to keep him on out on loan).

That's how building a squad works and the manager builds his squad from the pieces he has and from those he doesn't want.

We have 8 players on our first-team books that can play CB (Toby, Dier, Sanchez, Foyth, Tanganga, Davies, Rondon & CCV), there are loads of options for Jose to take, he could sell all of these if he wanted to. It is his job, he's the manager.
You totally lost me at that point.

The fact that you think someone would buy Dier from us at anything close to the price that Skriniar would be available for makes it pointless to read the rest of your post
It is not just relevant but the main point cos our poor defence and weak midfield is why our ball retention is so poor and our attackers have to defend and drop deep as much as they do.

It is clear that you hate Jose and are incapable of being objective on anything slightly related to him. For someone that hates Jose so much, you spend quite the time thinking and talking about him. Its simply amazing how you try to manipulate even remote topics into a rallying cry for your anti-mourinho crusade.


I don't hate Jose at all, just think he is a terrible manager for modern football and especially for Spurs.

I talk about him because he is the manager of Spurs and when I see apologists like you making shit up to try and defend him I will point it out.

Our fullbacks are not so poor that they need the "extra" help, plus I thought you said every top team plays like this so what is it every top team plays like this or our defense is crap so we need extra help?

West Ham's midfield and defense are not any better and they are getting by fine without doing the same thing, Villa as well, Chelsea also able to get by,

But once again for Jose apologists, Jose is forced into doing all these things that align perfectly with his philosophy because of the made up nonsense that Spurs are a special flower that need special tactics that no other club needs.
"We have 8 players on our first-team books that can play CB (Toby, Dier, Sanchez, Foyth, Tanganga, Davies, Rondon & CCV), there are loads of options for Jose to take, he could sell all of these if he wanted to. It is his job, he's the manager."
If only. Can you imagine what his Spurs squad will be if Levy gave him a blank cheque like when he first came to Chelsea. How many players he shipped out then? He even shipped aging Zola then so not sure if he would keep Dele or his brother at Spurs.
Jose was public about where his immediate priorities lay. Eriksen along with Toby and Dire was what he wanted. (Eriksen was obviously determined to make his move but he strutted around like a peacock when both Dier and Toby signed. (FWIW I think Dier is OK and I was glad he signed a new deal with us, I also think in a "normal" team, that's to say one that plays a bit of football rather than spends most of the game spend with our backs to the wall that people wouldn't be chucking rocks at him. But I was all for Toby to leave, who has been brilliant for us but was completly clear he was on a big decline).

The point is had Jose let Toby leave and sold Dier he would have freed up £225k in salary that could go towards paying the salaries of new CB's. I don't know what we would have got for Dier, the market is somewhat fucked, but I'd guess it would have been in the region of what it would have cost to bring in Skriniar. If he didn't want Sanchez he could have sold or loaned him out, he didn't, there was zero discussion about him leaving, so one can assume he was and has been in his plans.

He didn't rate Foyth, probably hasn't seen anything of CCV so went with advice to keep him on out on loan).

That's how building a squad works and the manager builds his squad from the pieces he has and from those he doesn't want.

We have 8 players on our first-team books that can play CB (Toby, Dier, Sanchez, Foyth, Tanganga, Davies, Rondon & CCV), there are loads of options for Jose to take, he could sell all of these if he wanted to. It is his job, he's the manager.
Agree with a lot of what you said, especially Dier. Jose’s tactics are highlighting his weaknesses rather than his strengths.

I just don’t see any world in which Levy manages to sell either Sanchez or Dier. He would put an absurd price on their heads and then string any interest out until the end of the window to try and gain a few more quid.

My main issue with Levy and the board is not ‘not backing’ managers. I do think, eventually, we get good players. It’s their absolute inability to sell. Dele should have gone to PSG. Winks should have been flogged when people were interested. Davies could have been shipped out, likewise Dier. The squad is nothing like as volatile as it should be.

Now, fully understand, in Levy’s defence, that we had a history of selling our best players and he got slated for that. But we’re now seeing the downside of trying to hold on to everyone. Everyone turns to shit at exactly the same time.
Sure, let them leave and sign 2 more Rodon.

Every Spurs manager is backed to the extent of Levy's willingness to spend and we have not been exactly splurging in the market.

The most expensive signing Mourinho has gotten is a 27m Bergwijn! If you think that is Mourinho's unrestricted preference, then I have a brridge to sell to you.

A manager can dream of signing Mbappe to bolster our attack and Levy will 100% back him by signing Muller Mbappe.
He signed NINE players + nailed down two additional players that were almost certainly leaving the club, who he's coveted for years and wanted to build a defence around. HIS CHOICE.

A Cheque book manager will always be a cheque book manager.

But then again he told everyone he was a changed man, that he'd been "studying hard" and claimed he has "spent his time away from management developing a new strategy and philosophy".

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You can get a monkey to manage PSG and still get the same result. Just like the prime Bayern team have strong mentality and that translated to results. Get Guardiola to manage Spurs now and see what results he will get.

Or employ Mourinho without Rui Faria and see what you would get. He would have lost that game for PSG last night, sitting back going for a 0-0 draw and trying to nullify Barca, rather than trying to win.
That is the difference between progressive managers in todays game, and well the opposite.

His league record since his assistant left him is

P 66 W 30 D 17 L 19 F 108 A 85
Win% 45.4
PPS 61.6

And that is with a team that finished second, and another that finished 4th in the respective seasons before.
One being the previous seasons Europa League Winners, the other a Champions League finalist.

There are so many reports out there after he left Jose, about Rui Faria being the defensive co-ordinator and Jose's defences have been in disarray since, and also the go-between (when Mourinho had his regular tantrums with players, he would calm the player down). Without him, he is lost.

Is Mourinho's missing right-hand man the reason for Man Utd's defensive disarray?

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Agree with a lot of what you said, especially Dier. Jose’s tactics are highlighting his weaknesses rather than his strengths.

I just don’t see any world in which Levy manages to sell either Sanchez or Dier. He would put an absurd price on their heads and then string any interest out until the end of the window to try and gain a few more quid.

My main issue with Levy and the board is not ‘not backing’ managers. I do think, eventually, we get good players. It’s their absolute inability to sell. Dele should have gone to PSG. Winks should have been flogged when people were interested. Davies could have been shipped out, likewise Dier. The squad is nothing like as volatile as it should be.

Now, fully understand, in Levy’s defence, that we had a history of selling our best players and he got slated for that. But we’re now seeing the downside of trying to hold on to everyone. Everyone turns to shit at exactly the same time.
I believe he's backed every manager within the financial constraints of the Club at that time.

Poch could have had additional players but a) there would have been a limit given the investment going into the stadium at the time b) There was loads of talk (even from Poch's own mouth) that he was ultra fussy about the profile and character of player to be brought in, which probably lead to not bringing in anyone c) as you said the narrative was we didn't hold onto to our players and fans to man woman and child all celebrated every new contract extension as though it was a new signing.

Managers are also backed in other ways too e.g. by giving them control, so Redknapp wouldn't work under DoF so we had to sack ours to accommodate him. Poch was made Manager and given a wider remit of control etc..

Where I 100% agree is us not been able to sell our players effectively, we aren't unique in this BTW but what had surprised me is that players that we failed to sell weren't on the mega wages that our rivals have their players on, meaning this should, in theory, open up the market to a wider base of clubs to match wages demands. Whilst Baldini can be criticised for his Bale spending (again in hindsight I might add) he did actually demonstrate the value of a DoF in his last months when he offloaded a number of players.
You totally lost me at that point.

The fact that you think someone would buy Dier from us at anything close to the price that Skriniar would be available for makes it pointless to read the rest of your post
I specifically state I don't know how much he's worth.

But your Lord Jose dose, he was willing to pay £50m for him!!!!!!!!!!!!

You really are the gift that keeps on giving.
For the first few weeks of the season I was almost wavering on my No vote to the original poll.

He can't leave fast enough for me now. An ex-Chelsea, ex-Man U manager has an uphill task to begin with as far as I'm concerned, and some of the football and results since November have been dismal.

I believe he's backed every manager within the financial constraints of the Club at that time.

Poch could have had additional players but a) there would have been a limit given the investment going into the stadium at the time b) There was loads of talk (even from Poch's own mouth) that he was ultra fussy about the profile and character of player to be brought in, which probably lead to not bringing in anyone c) as you said the narrative was we didn't hold onto to our players and fans to man woman and child all celebrated every new contract extension as though it was a new signing.

Managers are also backed in other ways too e.g. by giving them control, so Redknapp wouldn't work under DoF so we had to sack ours to accommodate him. Poch was made Manager and given a wider remit of control etc..

Where I 100% agree is us not been able to sell our players effectively, we aren't unique in this BTW but what had surprised me is that players that we failed to sell weren't on the mega wages that our rivals have their players on, meaning this should, in theory, open up the market to a wider base of clubs to match wages demands. Whilst Baldini can be criticised for his Bale spending (again in hindsight I might add) he did actually demonstrate the value of a DoF in his last months when he offloaded a number of players.
I’ve never really got the criticism of how we spent the Bale money. Maybe just me being defensive of Spurs, but I honestly think it was ok.

In Eriksen we got someone who would turn into one of the best midfielders in Europe. Lamela has been blighted by injuries but still can at least impact a game. Soldado, we’ll Christ knows what happened there but as you say, hindsight is easy. Capoue and Chadli were good squad players. Paulinho had just won player of the tournament for Brazil.

It was only Chiriches that was out and out garbage.
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